Queen Elizabeth II, the news that left her devastated on her birthday


The Queen isabel II he celebrated his birthday last April, the 21st in the absence of the traditional acts that accompany its celebration and in the middle of a news that would leave it devastated they assure.

Elizabeth Alexandra Marie Windsor, known as the Queen Isabel, he reached the age of 94 and reigned the longest legacy in the entire British monarchy.

On this occasion the sovereign he dispensed with the festive events that are traditionally held in his honor.

Cannon-fired bullets at different important points in United Kingdom They were canceled by the monarch herself who is in the midst of confinement before the threat of virus.

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However, it is not the only thing that would darken the arrival of one more anniversary for one of the monarchs longest-lived in British history.

Through a statement, a sad news would be spread by the sovereign upon learning of the attack that claimed around 12 lives in Nova Scotia.

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Through a publication shared by the queen herself, she released the statement showing her deep sadness.

Prince Philip and I are deeply saddened by the terrible events in Nova Scotia. We send our condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of those who have lost their lives, “said the queen.

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It is worth mentioning that the monarch of United Kingdom also leads 12 nations, including New Scotland, place where she is also considered a legitimate queen.

She feels a deep connection since every summer she goes to her castle in Balmoral to relax just like some of the members of his family liked to spend a great time there.

A Royal footman who worked closely with the Queen has tested positive for coronavirus. The man, who has not been named, is self-isolating at home but it has raised questions over whether he came into contact with Her Majesty while infected. Buckingham Palace aides have confirmed the Queen, 93, is in good health as she remains in lockdown with her husband Prince Philip, 98, at Windsor Castle. The long-serving worker’s role was to give the monarch food and drink after he got promoted six months ago. He would also walk her precious Dorgis – Vulcan and Candy – as well as greet guests and open letters. A source told the Sun: ‘Everyone is terrified, not just for themselves but also for the Queen and the Duke. If everyone around them hasn’t been tested yet they should be and I’m sure they will be. There is a palpable sense of fear in the air at the moment. The footman would come and collect the dogs and see the Queen on a daily basis performing normal duties. It’s terrifying to think how close they were. ‘ Up to a dozen Buckingham Palace workers have been tested for the deadly bug, but have given negative results. One staff member was diagnosed with last week – before the Queen left the capital for Windsor. Prince Charles, who met his mother at Buckingham Palace on March 12, tested positive for the illness on Tuesday. His doctor is convinced he would have been contagious from March 13 at the earliest, based on when the 71-year-old started to develop symptoms. The Duchess of Cornwall has tested negative but is now isolated from her husband at Birkhall, their Scottish retreat where they are both staying. Buckingham Palace, while refusing to comment on whether the Queen had been tested for coronavirus, took pains to stress she was well this week.

A shared publication of the Windsor Royal Family (@ windsor.royal.family) on

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For this reason, Isabel II He decided to express his deep regret at the recent situation as well as to send his condolences to the wounded and relatives who lost any member of their family in this tragedy, at the same time thanked and paid tribute tribute the police force as well as the emergency services that supported the wounded and those affected in said attacks.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Nova Scotia and all Canadians at this tragic moment. Isabel II pointed out.
