Prosecutor’s Office supports demand to change Minister of the Interior for woman


The attorney Idayris Yolima Carrillo Pérez, a delegate to the Council of State, issued a concept in which she says that the Superior Court of Cundinamarca is competent to, in the first instance, study the complaint that asks President Iván Duque to return to make a change in your cabinet.

Add that “All state entities at the territorial and central levels, without exception, are obliged to comply with these regulations“And assured that his intervention will be to guarantee” material, equal and adequate access to women in high positions in the State. “

Exactly, the complaint to which the Attorney General’s Office refers is against the appointment of Daniel Palacios as Minister of the Interior (replacing Alicia Arango), because With him, the quota law, which dictates that 30% of his cabinet must be made up of women, was no longer complied with.

How many women should the Government have as ministers?

Of the 18 ministers there are, only 5 are women; In other words, there is a lack of a minister to comply with what the norm dictates. And of the 6 administrative departments, only one is run by a woman.

This problem also arose in the government of Juan Manuel Santos; at that time the then president included a woman in his cabinet, before the court ordered him to do so.

In this case, if President Duque waits for a court decision, he may have to replace Palacios, but if he anticipates the decision, I could choose which minister to change, explained the lawyer Héctor Riveros, on Blu Radio.

Although the position of the Attorney General’s Office is surprising, considering that the attorney general, Margarita Cabello, was Duque’s minister, it remains to be seen the attitude she will take in other cases.
