Prosecutor’s Office asks for a list of attendees to the national team match in Barranquilla


The Attorney General’s Office requested the Mayor of Barranquilla, Jaime Pumarejo Heins, information related to the biosafety protocol implemented for entering and attending the Colombia vs. Venezuela on October 9.

In a letter sent to the district president, The control body required information related to the number of stands set up for the public, the number of people who entered the boxes and the number of different people from the delegations of each of the teams that entered the sporting event.

Likewise, asked the territorial entity for a report on the surveillance and control measures adopted for entering and staying in the stadium that will guarantee compliance with the protocol established for the reactivation of soccer in Colombia, and Resolution 1507 of 2020, issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

Finally, the Attorney General’s Office recalled that it is essential to comply with the provisions related to the implementation of health measures aimed at controlling the contagion and spread of Covid-19.
