Prosecutor rejects the release of former president Álvaro Uribe – Investigation – Justice


Prosecutor makes the first decisions in the investigation for bribery and procedural fraud


Former President Álvaro Uribe himself notified the country that it had been reviewed.


September 04, 2020, 06:22 pm

The Prosecutor’s Office rejected the release of former President Álvaro Uribe Vélez requested by the lawyer Jaime Granados.

The new prosecutor in the Gabriel Jaimes Durán case considered that this decision should be made by a judge and not by the prosecuting body.

The assurance measure was ordered by the Investigation Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice and upon passing the case to the accusing body, the prosecutor Jaimes Durán considered that it becomes a process of the new criminal system in which the judges and not the prosecutors They are the ones who make those kinds of decisions about people’s freedom.

The Prosecutor’s Office pointed out that after the first review of the file it was decided to take it by Law 906 of 2004, or the new accusatory criminal system. This is because the events investigated would have occurred between 2016 and 2017.

“The complexity of the investigation and the costly documentation of the file will require that in the next few days a case study be carried out to define a method of transit between the two procedural systems,” the accusing entity said in a statement.
And he added that the person who must decide on freedom must be a judge of control of guarantees of paloquemao.

In his two-page decision, the prosecutor in the case considered the petition of the former president’s defense was rejected for “legal inadmissibility.”

Thus, the lawyer Granados would have to seek a hearing at the Paloquemao service center to request the release of his client.

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