President Iván Duque announces extension of selective isolation until November 30 – Government – Politics


President Iván Duque announced this Wednesday that after listening to all health experts, It was decided that the selective isolation with individual distancing will be extended until November 30.

The initial decree established that this measure would end on October 31.

Duque said that it is about maintaining the validity of current conditions and, above all, placing special emphasis on exercising greater control over crowds.

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“There, local authorities also have to work hand in hand with the National Government and I also call for citizen awareness and culture to prevail so that we can have a good month of November with a safe reactivation and also protect the Christmas season in our country ”, said the head of state.

The president ended up making a call to Colombians so that even inside homes all the protections are taken, “because we have to prevent regrowth and that depends on all of us.”

The extension in Decree 1168 indicates that Selective isolation and responsible individual distancing conditions are maintained.

That means that the land and sea closure is maintained. Of course, this suspension may be lifted at borders and territories, after an epidemiological analysis by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and in coordination with the Ministry of the Interior.

(Further: Total curfew in Antioquia for this Halloween weekend)

The restriction is also maintained for events of a public or private nature, as well as events of a social nature, which involve an agglomeration of people, in accordance with the provisions and protocols issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

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The mayors will have the possibility to take some measures depending on the conditions of the pandemic in each municipality.

In this video, published on the official website of the Presidency on August 31, they explain what this stage consists of, which is being extended for the second time in the country.

(If you visit us from the app see the video here)

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