President Duque will preside over the launch of Arena del Río


The President of the Republic, Iván Duque Márquez, will arrive in Barranquilla this Tuesday for the launch of the Arena del Río megaproject, which is considered to be the largest entertainment complex in Latin America and which It will be built in the area of ​​the river boardwalk, near the Barranquilla Naval School.

The launch event It will be at 2 pm in the Crystal Box of the Gran Malecón and will also have the participation of ex-baseball player Edgar Renteria, partner of the project together with the firm Two Way Stadiums.

Colombia 4.0 and domains

Previously, at 12 noon, President Duque will accompany to the Barranquilla Minister of ICT, Karen Abudinen, at the opening of the regional headquarters of CEmprende, located in the El Prado sector, which seeks to promote, support and strengthen entrepreneurship and reactivate the economy in the department of Atlántico.

During the act, the minister will announce the opening of registrations for 50 thousand “passionate” about technology to sign up for ‘Colombia 4.0’, to be held from December 1 to 3.

“For me it will be a pride to inspire from Barranquilla all the men and women of our country and the world, passionate about technology, to participate this year in Colombia 4.0, a space created by the Government of President Iván Duque for the strengthening of national creative industries and economic reactivationa, ”said Minister Abudinen.

Likewise, together with the president of iNNpulsa Colombia, Ignacio Gaitán, the delivery of a thousand .CO domain kits for Colombian entrepreneurs.

Companies or enterprises with businesses in the ideation stage from all over the country that do not have a web presence can apply to this kit. Each kit includes one year of 1GB hosting, 3 email accounts and web template for site creation.

On the form will be published in the next few days for people they can register and request their domains. In the same way, they can do it at, by clicking on “Apply”.
