President Duque talks about the shops that will open in the coming days


President Iván Duque began his broadcast as every day at 6 in the afternoon. He first addressed the mothers of the country and thanked them for their work and for everything they have done to care for their families in this quarantine.

The president reported that, as of May 9, there have been reports 10,495 people infected with coronavirus, of which 9,280 are at home, 128 in the ICU and 2,569 recovered. This day 445 other cases were confirmed and 17 people diedn due to the virus added to the more than 400 fatalities in Colombia.

In company with the director of the ICBF, Lina Arbeláez, and the manager for the comprehensive care of the COVID-19 pandemic, Luis Guillermo Plata, the president responded from the Colombians. Plata said that nearly 500,000 reagents have arrived to be able to do the tests, which has been one of the shortcomings in the country. “We hope to increase the testing capacity and we want to achieve 1.2 million tests in the next three months, “he said. He added that they are giving provisions for health professionals so that they can face the crisis. Also that there are 5,400 Intensive Care Units in the country and they are trying to separate half for patients with covid– 19. He added that to date, 2,770 fans have been purchased, which will arrive in batches in the country.

The President said that they have allocated more than 6 billion pesos to attend the contingency for the covid-19 in the country. This money has been used for the purchase of tests, artificial respirators and the provision of medical equipment. He said silver is coming out of the FOME Emergency Fund and loans from some long-term territorial savings funds.

On the departure of the children They explained that minors between 6 and 17 years old will be able to leave only three times a week, half an hour and within a maximum of one kilometer, according to what the experts recommended. The parks will not be open. The idea is that they can sunbathe, breathe, take a short walk, but they should wear face masks, be two meters away from any person, and when they get home it is recommended that they wash their hands, apply alcohol to the shoes and, if possible, bathe and wash clothes. They explained that children under 5 years of age are not released due to respiratory spikes from other viruses that occur at this time.

Lina Arbeláez took the opportunity to send a message to people who have seen some type of abuse or violence against minors. According to her, the cases have been reduced considerably thanks to the fact that the parents are at home, but she still asks that Those who know of cases do not stop reporting via WhatsApp to the lines 3202391685, 3206855450 and 3202391320.

The president also said that although some sectors such as construction, manufacturing and commerce are being reopened That does not mean that we will return to normal soon. For a few months there will be no concerts, parties in bars or discos. Little by little and with some restrictions, billiards will be reopened, some beauty salons with reservations, lithographs, laundries, stationeries, hardware stores, among others, as long as they comply with the protocols established by the mayors and governorates of the country. Municipal transportation is not yet open to prevent cases from reaching cases in municipalities where there have been no cases.
