President Duque officially opens the opening of Ernesto Cortissoz


This Saturday, President Iván Duque will be visiting the city of Barranquilla to formalize the reopening of the Ernesto Cortissoz International Airport, andn the framework of the country’s economic reactivation process.

The opening of the air terminal is advanced in accordance with a rigorous process with all biosecurity protocols to guarantee the prevention of contagion by Covid-19, for which it received the respective authorization from the competent entities.

For the presidential advisor for the Regions, Federico Hoyos Salazar, the reopening of Cortissoz is “good news” because It is “a flagship airport that has connected not only the northern area of ​​Colombia with the rest of the country, but with the rest of the world.”

The national president will also inaugurate the event pavilion ‘Caja de Cristal’, an infrastructure with a capacity for 1,000 people that was designed to host the Assembly of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), which was scheduled for March this year and was rescheduled due to the pandemic.

In addition, Duque – who will be accompanied by officials of the national, regional and local government, as well as unions and congressmen – will announce the launch of the free internet service throughout the Malecón, as of November.

During the visit, the national president will express his support for the ‘Barranquilla Abre Segura’ reactivation strategy, which has been prepared in accordance with eThe ‘One Step Forward’ plan led by the Presidential Council for the Regions.

“Barranquilla and Atlántico will continue to be a pole of tourism, industrial development, and innovation. We are excited to be able to be with the President of the Republic giving good news for the Atlantic”Added the presidential advisor for the Regions.

The senior official also highlighted the management, leadership and measures implemented by the governor Elsa noguera and the mayor Jaime Pumarejo Heins to contain the spread of Covid-19.

Likewise, he highlighted as “important” the commitment of the various public and private institutions in the region and citizens.

It should be noted that in order to respect rules of distancing and avoid crowds, the organizers of the presidential visit did not authorize the accompaniment of the media to these activities. At the end of your schedule, Duque will make a statement that will be transmitted through digital platforms.
