President Duque appoints Wilson Ruiz as new Minister of Justice – Services – Justice


President Iván Duque appointed the former magistrate of the Superior Council of the Judiciary Wilson Ruiz Orejuela as the new Minister of Justice, replacing former Minister Margarita Cabello, who was elected a few weeks ago as the next Attorney General.

Ruiz, who becomes the third Minister of Justice that the Duque government has had, is a lawyer from the Universidad Libre, a doctor in Law suma cum laude from the Alfonso X el Sabio University, Madrid, Spain, and has a postgraduate degree in Administrative Law from the University of Salamanca, Spain. In addition, he has extensive experience in the area of ​​administrative litigation.

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In 2015, he was President of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, and in 2013 he also presided over the Disciplinary Chamber of this body of justice, of which he was a magistrate between 2012 and 2015.

Likewise, he was a delegate attorney before the Council of State and also a co-judge of the Administrative Court of Cundinamarca.

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One of the main challenges that the Ruiz Ministry will face will be to give continuity to the justice reform initiative. Her predecessor, Cabello, worked in conjunction with the high courts, during the last year, on a judicial reform bill.

This reform is also a pending debt of the country, since in the last 18 years it has been tried unethically 18 times.

Likewise, he will have to face the prison crisis, a problem that is not new but that the coronavirus pandemic has brought out even more. Since 1998 the Constitutional Court declared that in Colombia there is an unconstitutional state of affairs due to the prison issue, something that has not changed much in these 22 years, as serious overcrowding and poor access to health persist, among other problems.

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Likewise, Ruiz also comes to the Justice portfolio to face the situation of the few resources that the branch has in the country, which is one of the central points of several of the attempts to reform the justice.

In addition, the pandemic also revealed the great needs for updating, since it led the courts to have to operate remotely, with great limitations.

According to data from the Superior Council of the Judiciary, The historical budget lag of the branch reaches, from 2000 to this year, $ 14.7 billion. This not only affects possibilities of virtuality, but things like the number of judges. Currently there are an average of 11 judges for every 100,000 inhabitants, but the OECD says there should be 65 robes for that number of people.

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