Poor countries would not receive COVID-19 vaccine


The COVAX program of the World Health Organization (WHO), the world’s leading scheme to vaccinate people in countries middle-income and poor people around the world, including Colombia, face high risk of failing and leaving at least 94 nations without vaccines by 2024.

This was revealed by the news agency Reuters that he accessed internal documents of the promoters of the plan that warn that the program you are struggling with lack of funds, supply risks, and complex contractual arrangements that could make it impossible to achieve your goals.

COVAX has only been able to agree to an agreement for 12 billion vaccines when at first there was talk of delivering at least 2 billion doses of vaccines by the end of 2021.

Of those 12 billion doses, around 9 billion have already been reserved by rich countries, which leaves 3,000 million free for countries with fewer resources to fight for a palliative against the pandemic.

Meanwhile the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) announced that all the countries in Latin America and the Caribbean participate in COVAX they will receive vaccines at the same time, whether they pay for them or receive them free.

