Political pressures, the real reason for the rule change in the Green Alliance?


Close to Camilo Romero they assure that the decision to choose a candidate in consultation and not with an internal survey is not due to the arrival of Amaya, but to pressure from Fajardismo and other sectors.

“A surprise decision.” This is how Camilo Romero, former governor of Nariño, cataloged the decision of his Alianza Verde party not to carry out an internal survey in 2021 to define a single candidate that faces the others of the Coalition of Hope, the alternative block with which people like Sergio Fajardo, Ángela María Robledo, Juan Manuel Galán, Humberto de la Calle and Jorge Robledo seek to make their way towards the presidential elections of 2022.

“Four of the five (green) candidates had already recorded the videos of the announcements that were going to be made on Monday, but they called a meeting two days ago and there a decision was reversed that green should provide a process for choosing a candidate or sole candidate, which would allow him to reach that coalition with force and the March 2022 consultation, “Romero told W Radio this Friday.

What happened? According to several members of the Green Alliance, the elimination of the internal consultation to select said candidate or sole candidate among the current candidates (Sandra Ortiz, Jorge Londoño, Antonio Sanguino, Iván Marulanda, Camilo Romero and Carlos Amaya) was due to the fact that The community decided to wait for Amaya to finish her studies in Europe so that she could participate in the process. “I am very grateful for the generosity they had in not conducting the survey this first semester of 2021 and allowing us to go to a consultation in March 2022. This, without a doubt, opens the possibility to me, because if the survey were done, clearly, I would be excluded, “said Amaya.

However, it is not the only version. Those close to Romero affirmed that Amaya’s situation was an “excuse” to make this decision known. According to them, the change of the rules within the alternative community responds to pressure from sectors of the Fajardismo and others because, in their opinion, it was scary that the name of the former governor of Nariño was gaining strength among the green bases.

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“We had a meeting with 700 people to launch Romero’s candidacy. Some candidates felt that strength and asked that this victory for him and the defeat of the others still not be assumed. We felt pressure towards Romero’s campaign, because, as he has caught an interesting flight, they wanted to change the mechanism and used Amaya’s topic to explain it, ”revealed a source who asked not to be identified.

On the matter, Romero told W Radio that this favored the people of the Esperanza Coalition “who are going to compete for the big consultation.” “It is easier to face a party divided into six than one unified and strengthened in one person. What worries me is that he is losing the harmony with the people. Fajardo is favored, without a doubt, with a decision like this, ”he stressed.

And while voices such as that of Senator Antonio Sanguino and the former governor of Boyacá Amaya do not believe that this last minute change regarding the internal mechanism will weaken them, another is the opinion of councilors, deputies and congressmen who consider that it was a wrong decision.

“The party will grow and reaffirm itself as the option for change: without personalities, without exclusions and with the people. I invite you to continue building, to the unity that will make us stronger ”, Amaya pointed out about Romero’s words. In turn, Sanguino responded by Twitter to Romero that “do not make a storm in a glass of water.” “We only do without an internal survey. The agreement is substantially maintained: candidates and green time and the Coalition of Hope with similar alternative forces ”, he added.

Contrary to them the representative Inti Asprilla spoke. “Former Governor Camilo Romero begins a very strong pre-campaign, with a lot of acceptance and, in a strange way, the candidates, except him, choose to revoke the accepted proposal. It is obvious that this makes things easier for a person and it is for Mr. Sergio Fajardo, “he added. Like him, people from the grassroots of the organization have spoken out.

“There are people like Fajardo who come to the green party every four years looking for endorsement. And there are people like Camilo Romero who are from the house, build a party, mobilize the rank and file and fan the desire for just struggles. I’m going with Camilo, ”said William F. Rendón, party coordinator in Palmira, who demanded guarantees for the candidate.

Lina García, mayor of Usaquén for the green, also reacted. “From the neighborhoods, with the people, our people, with the party bases, we build a true alternative,” he shared on his Twitter account, supporting Romero who, since the decision was made, has asked for democratic guarantees “to participate and be elected presidential candidate. According to information from those close to him, the party’s rank and file are in disagreement with the decision to eliminate the internal consultation that was going to define the sole candidate of the Green Alliance.
