Police shot a peasant who wanted to hit him with machetes in the middle of a fight


Police agents came to a farm in the village of Gualí, located in the municipality of Herveo (Tolima), to carry out an eviction of cattle. Peasants reportedly brought a few animals onto the land, owned by councilor Wilson Pérez, and They reacted violently when they saw the arrival of the authorities.

Shortly after the police arrived at the farm to remove the cattle and the people who brought them there, a confrontation broke out between the parties. started by the peasants, who drew machetes and sticks to try to drive away the uniformed men.

The tense situation was recorded in a seven-minute video, in which it can be seen that the peasants drew their machetes as soon as they saw the police arrive. The agents defended themselves at first with their bobbins and tried to subdue those who were rebuking them, but the confrontation was increasing in caliber with the passing of the minutes.

From one moment to another, one of the peasants took a machete and went decided against one of the policemen to hit him with it. Such was the way the man was threatening him that the agent decided to shoot him in self-defense. One of the uniformed men shouted at his partner that if he was going to shoot the peasant, he should do it at his feet. This is what the policeman did and with a shot in the leg he overpowered the man who wanted to give him a couple of machetes.

“The person who was shot in the right leg, was taken to the hospital, where the rights of the captured were read, but hours later he was released”, detailed the Facebook page ‘En Herveo Tolima’ after knowing the details provided by those involved.

Senator María Fernanda Cabal commented on what happened and celebrated the way the police officer acted, who shot the peasant in the foot. “I want to help this policeman who did not allow himself to be killed with a machete. Help me to contact you ”, wrote the congresswoman from the Democratic Center.

These were the images that became known of the confrontation between the peasants and the uniformed:
