Plaza Spain | Story of one of those affected by the pitched battle in Bogotá – Bogotá


Ricardo * is one of the people who, on the afternoon of this Thursday, were trapped in the middle of the chaos that was generated in a procedure of the Los Mártires mayor’s office in La Estanzuela, near Plaza España, in the center of Bogotá.

The man, in conversation with Citytv, related how a group of criminals stole him, tried to hurt him and destroyed his car.

(You may be interested in: What happened in Plaza España, in the center of Bogotá?)

“I was doing a lap at 12. When I was coming back I started to see people running down the street. Spain square, I saw 30 or 40 people rushing to rob them. When we got here, everything was blocked. In this part, the thieves, some 50 or 60 people, began to rob us – they took my cell phone from me – to attack us with a stone, “says Ricardo and assures that there was no police presence at the point and that the pitched battle lasted about an hour.

Ricardo assures that in the middle of the attack, he tried to resist and the criminals threatened him with a knife. “The merchants came out with machetes and scared them away, they were going to cut me down,” he says.

On Thursday night, the Secretary of Security, Hugo Acero, acknowledged that there was a “planning failure” in the operation of the local mayor’s office.

At the same time, the local mayor (e), Tatiana Piñeros, It indicated that a procedure was being carried out on 7th Street due to the “increase in that sector of street habitability, consumption and sale of hallucinogenic substances.” He explained that in the middle of the events, the intervened group moved to 10th Street and “a situation arose where, through an incitement of these criminal gangs to street dwellers, they attacked the officials and personnel of the different entities and against citizenship “.

In conversation this Friday with Citytv, the local mayor indicated that the operation had the presence of the National Army, Migration Colombia, Dadep, the Ministry of the Government and the Ministry of Social Integration. Faced with the indications of a “planning failure”, the mayor assured that “it would not enter into controversy” and that the procedures “are always carried out in the same way.”

A preliminary balance indicated that the situation had left three cars with broken glass, five affected premises and one person injured with a knife.

(What’s more: Thief came in to steal, regretted it, paid the bill and left a tip)

In addition, in the images released in the last hours, there is evidence of a looting of a car that was transporting food and a battle that included the use of knives and blunt elements.

Ricardo, for his part, assures that he has not been able to file the complaint. The police told him that he should go to the local mayor’s office. “I contacted them and they told me that I should write a letter directly to the mayor of Los Mártires (…); we need someone to respond to us,” said the victim.

* With reporting by Pablo Arango and Edwin Suá, journalists from Up Bogotá.
