Players of the Colombian National Team who fought


The version that some players of the Colombian National Team would have fought was exposed this afternoon by the journalist Javier Hernández Bonnet, who specified: “There are groups facing the interior; there were episodes whose protagonists managed to get blown up ”.

According to the commentator of ‘Gol Caracol’, “There was a player who stamped another; both players, of international level. It happened on this double date ”. Since Bonnet shared that information, fans are wondering about the identities of the players who would have argued in the dressing room of the national team.

Colombian players who would have fought

A couple of hours after the analyst gave that scoop, on the Caracol Radio program ‘La luciérnaga’, they were encouraged to hand over the names of those involved in the alleged altercation. It was the journalist María Alejandra Villamizar which, based on what a source close to the Selection told him, gave more details of what would have happened.

What is striking about the information provided by it is that, contrary to what many assume, the discussion did not take place during the 6-1 win against Ecuador. After giving that detail, Villamizar continued with the names of the protagonists.

“They had already fought in Barranquilla. James (Rodríguez) in Barranquilla had caught up with Lerma and Dávinson Sánchez. When Queiroz scolded them, they told him: ‘We give up and don’t bother’, more or less, “the journalist assured in the first part of her speech.

The panelist from ‘La Luciérnaga’ concluded: “One of those who said ‘don’t bother’, they didn’t get him to play (against Ecuador). This is from a good source, or else I wouldn’t mention it. “

At the moment there is a lot of speculation that has been generated around the supposed fights that were generated in the last two games in Colombia for the World Cup qualifiers. What several sports journalists have agreed in the last hours is that coexistence within the campus is not the best.

Many fans and analysts are calling for Carlos Queiroz, who also received such a thrashing when he led Portugal, to resign. However, the coach gave no sign of doing so during the press conference he held after Tuesday’s loss. For now, the executive committee of the Colombian Football Federation is evaluating whether or not it is convenient to continue with Portuguese.
