The players claim that the fourth official uttered racist insults against a member of the Turkish team.
About a quarter of an hour into the game, the members of the Turkish bench began to shout: “He said ‘black’” (“He said ‘black’”), words that were clearly heard when the match was played behind closed doors due to the pandemic .
The accusations were against the Romanian Sebastian Coltescu, fourth whistle of the game, who had just notified the main judge, his compatriot Ovidiu Hategan, of the angry protests of the Turkish second coach, the former Cameroonian player Pierre Webo.
The confusion increased when Hategan’s decision was to expel Webo. At that moment, Senegalese striker Demba Ba, substitute for Basaksehir, angrily summoned his teammates and they all began to concentrate on the edge of the pitch.
There began a dialogue between the players, the referee and the UEFA delegate that ended without any agreement and with the Basaksehir players leaving the pitch in the direction of the changing rooms, which the Parisians also did.
According to conversations picked up by television microphones, Demba Ba asked the fourth official for an explanation for the use of the term ‘black’: “When you refer to a white boy, you don’t call him ‘white boy’, you just say ‘that boy’, so why do you mean a ‘black boy’ by those terms?
This was recorded at various times during the transmission of the game, valid for the sixth date of group H of the Champions League:
The moment of outrage during PSG – Basaksehir
Demba Ba addresses the referee: “When you point to a white player, you don’t say ‘that white player’. But when you refer to a black player, you say ‘that black player'”pic.twitter.com/hgBhegqPTK
– Sports Carousel (@carrusel) December 8, 2020
“Why did you say ‘black’?” The madness of the Cameroonian Pierre Webó against the Romanian fourth official Sebastian Coltescu. Following this scandal, PSG vs. Basaksehir in the #CHAMPIONSxESPN. pic.twitter.com/S9UPiXFim2
– ESPN Argentina (@ESPNArgentina) December 8, 2020
Demba Ba’s -completely justified- claim to the fourth official who referred to him as “this black guy” to get him expelled.
Applause to players from PSG and Istanbul Basaksehir for the support they showed him by leaving the field. No to racism.pic.twitter.com/I7FFeh85Ys
– Luis Herrera (@luisrha) December 8, 2020
WORLDWIDE SCANDAL: due to a racist comment from the fourth official Sebastian Coltescu to Pierre Webó, Basaksehir assistant, the Turkish team and PSG players left the field of play in the #CHAMPIONSxESPN. pic.twitter.com/6038t3vOjn
– SportsCenter (@SC_ESPN) December 8, 2020
The president of the Turkish club Göksel Gümüsdag told Turkish television TRT Sport that his players would not return to the pitch if the fourth official remains in place.
“The fourth official said ‘black’ in front of everyone! If the fourth official is removed from the game, we will play again. If he is still on the court, then Basaksehir will not return, “he declared.
Shortly after, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a well-known supporter of Basaksehir, tweeted: “I firmly condemn the racist insults to Pierre Webo, a member of the Basaksehir coaching staff, and I am convinced that UEFA will take the measures that are imposed.”
If the match is not resumed, UEFA could consider Basaksehir lost (3-0), but this decision would have consequences in the final classification of group H, since Paris SG, Leipzig and Manchester United, who play the other match in Germany, they reach the last date tied with 9 points, so one of the three will be eliminated.
The Turkish team also condemned the event on social networks, and was supported by PSG:
The ISTANBUL message that PSG also shares on their networks after the SUSPENSION of the match.
At 12 it starts @thechiringuitotv ! pic.twitter.com/vqnvOD9A2H
– El Chiringuito TV (@elchiringuitotv) December 8, 2020
This decision is reminiscent of the actions of athletes in the United States against racial injustice, a gesture that took on a much greater dimension with the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement.
If in some European championships, players and referees had knelt as an anti-racist gesture, never before has a ‘Champions’ match been the scene of such a gesture.
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