Pisces – Tuesday May 5, 2020: new emotions in your love life | Pisces horoscopes


Astrological newscast: the Moon goes through the sign of Libra in the vibration of five, which indicates the subtle and refined intuition, the application of own experience – All the planets are direct with the exception of the planetoid Pluto that is still retrograde in Capricorn. Your ruler, the planet Neptune transits your sign, just like the planetoid Ceres.

There is a vibration of freedom in your inner being, you feel uninhibited and fresh, capable of doing what you really feel and not letting other people influence your life in one
negative way. Today Tuesday there will be no insurmountable obstacles for you because everything that happens to you you will take as a challenge, a challenge to get ahead.

Always remember something you must insist on, Piscian: failures do not exist, there are only experiences, some pleasant, not so much, they are only lessons to learn to live and be a better person every day that passes.

The most envious signs of the Zodiac


You will soon be in the midst of a certain delicate situation that will require your attention to avoid problems. In your sentimental area you must be reserved, especially if you are having a certain delicate adventure, Pisces. If there is no such situation, there will be a night of love. Enjoy it with pleasure and with all the mental amplitude that you know.

Many times we get sick because we break the balance and when we do it, either by excess or by default, we pay the consequences. Do not get carried away by those recommendations without scientific basis that can put your health at risk.

During these days certain rumors or somewhat destabilizing rumors will reach your ears. Let events unfold at their own pace, and don’t be too quick to jump to conclusions. It is not in haste that you can fix problems, Piscean.

Selenite, the crystal that clears your mind and cleanses energy


Money and fortune
Aim to move your economy forward, and you will. Review what you are currently doing with your budget and available resources in this month of May and in the week of the supermoon in a sign of your water element. A readjustment of your finances is all you need to increase your income and have more money in a few months.

Today’s astral biorhythm
Sexual energy level this Tuesday: high.
Cosmic dynamics that you must take advantage of: the inner joy that arises in this stage of the synodic month in this month of May.
Dangerous trend today in your Pisces sign: a depressing, nostalgic touch.
What should I avoid ?: apathy.
Quote of the day: life is a journey, those who enjoy the sight that constantly appears before their eyes know how to live.

Ritual to remove bad energy

Couple prediction for today tuesday
Today’s best relationship: this Tuesday things will go very well for you if your partner is from a water sign.
The most tense relationship: avoid controversies with natives of the Capricorn sign.
Your current compatibility: the compatibility wave is good although there are problems with fire signs.
If you are single or single: a period of revelations, confessions and the possibility of starting a new romance awaits you.
