Pisces – Sunday April 26, 2020: you will hear a news that will confuse you | Pisces horoscopes


Astrological newscast: the Moon goes through the sign of Gemini, in the numerological vibration of seven, which indicates knowledge, the desire to learn something new. All the planets are direct except the planetoid Pluto that continues retrograde in Capricorn. Your ruler, the planet Neptune, remains in your sign, as does the planetoid Ceres, the one that indicates abundance.

The Moon in transit in conjunction with Venus, planet of love, inspires you, Pisces. Although in some cases reconciliations seem impossible, this is not yours.

If there was love and the separation occurred for reasons that can be overcome, then do not waste time or let your pride prevent you from returning to the person who represented so much to you in the recent past.

There is also a very favorable astral coincidence for contacts with people from abroad who are interested in negotiating something with you and whose association will be very advantageous. Neptune’s transit through your sign together with the double action of Mercury and Venus has its positive side, take advantage of it.

What are the feelings and emotions that dominate your sign?


Everything is possible with these astral confluences in your Pisces sign. A touch of fortune will place you in front of a wonderful person whom you will captivate strongly with your presence. Do not be discouraged by the things that you cannot achieve right now, but rather focus on what you already have.

Today you feel recovered from your past ailments and face this week with improvement and health. The cosmic energy that envelops you projects you into new physical dimensions of bodily empowerment.

You don’t want to leave permanent jobs or dare to do something that could complicate your life too much. Do not quit a job but rather try to strengthen your position in it since in a few days you will be in a better job position.

15 phrases about friendship


Money and fortune
Don’t scatter, Pisces. This Sunday requires concentration because you have many projects in mind, but to be able to carry them out successfully it requires decision, something that you have, but that you sometimes confuse with a touch of improvisation, and in doing so you lose money. Happily, now with Ceres in your sign good fortune is accentuated.

Today’s astral biorhythm
Sexual energy level this Sunday: intense.
Cosmic dynamics that you must take advantage of: the energy that comes from the Moon in transit through the air element and the combination with Venus, in conjunction.
Dangerous trend today in your Pisces sign: let yourself be carried by rumors.
What should I avoid ?: Sharing gossip or fake news on social media.

Quote of the day: stay away from those who mistreat animals because they are cruel-hearted people who sow pain wherever they arrive.

Couple prediction for today sunday
The best relationship today: this Sunday things will go very well for you if your partner is from a water sign and also with Taurus and Virgo, who is your opposite.
The most tense relationship: it tends to be with Aries.
Your current compatibility: very good with signs of your element and of earth, regular with Leo and Sagittarius, complicated with Aries.
If you are single or single: when the time is right, the person who will happily transform your life will appear.

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