Petro and Holmes fight is a candidate: Felipe Zuleta


The panelist of the Blu Radio program ‘Voz Populi’, began his speech by saying that this Monday, in general, the protests were lived in a peaceful way with some exceptions in three cities, but that “The violence we saw” against the two officials “was virulent”.

What Zuleta refers to is the crossing of trills that Petro and Trujillo had throughout the day, the latter going on the offensive, when usually He was silent to criticism of his management or of the public order situation in the country in general, of which he is in charge.

But the first to strike, on the morning of Monday, September 21, when the concentrations for the marches were already beginning, was Petro; In his triumph he requested the resignation of the minister to his position as head of the Defense portfolio:

But the trill What caught the attention of the minister was one that Petro put a few minutes before in which he assured that he would go out to march because he considered “necessary to stop the dictatorship and the massacre.”

To that, Trujillo replied, without mentioning Petro, that “slanderously signaling the government of Iván Duque as a dictatorship, while using and abusing democratic mechanisms, calls for disobedience, the popular will is unknown and violence is fueled, is to disrespect Colombians believing that they do not give an account of reality “, and completed with a second publication:

Then, the minister hinted to the past that Petro had in the M-19: “The greatest destructive power is that of those who have used violence and terrorism in search of reaching power, or they use democracy and abuse it to later impose tyranny and despotism ”.

The message got to the senator, who answered: “They want violence because in violence they reduce mobilization and win. Do not fall into the trap of violence. Non-violent mobilization will triumph ”.

And minutes later, the member of Duque’s cabinet made reference to a highly criticized trill by Petro in which he published a very crude image of a murdered young man, and he said:

“Those who politicize with death support policies that increased illicit crops from 48 thousand hectares in 2013 to 171 thousand in 2017, which are transformed into cocaine and finance the murder of social leaders and massacres, and they oppose rapid and effective methods of eradication” .

Then both spent several hours talking about the day of marches, which had several clashes in the vicinity of the Plaza de Bolívar and other young people injured by Esmad.

But the moment came when they stopped being indirect and Petro took advantage of a message from the minister about the vandalism of a bank headquarters to write to him directly:

In another message, the senator also mentioned the minister’s father:

AND Trujillo defended his family: “Petro, cowardly attacking the memory of my father, who died 30 years ago, describes his practices well. Those who knew him know that he was an intellectual, a great criminal lawyer and orator who gave shine to the Parliament and to Colombia, on whose behalf he won the world public speaking contest ”.

There the trill crossing ended, although the congressman continued to accuse the government of “gassing the youth” in the protests that were framed in the national strike.

All this motivated Zuleta’s opinion on the station where he said that “Petro, as usual, was victimized by showing images of Esmad” while the minister accused the protesters of vandals, and added:

“Make no mistake, yesterday what we saw on Twitter was a fight between two presidential candidates with totally opposite ideological positions. Petro, as always, taking advantage of the marches to incite anarchy and denounce the Police, and the minister showing the teeth of the State to get his position quite right ”.

For the panelist of the radio station, “both showed that they lost their sanity” and have not realized that the vast majority of Colombians are tired of polarization. For this reason, the journalist and lawyer added that he saw a “lack of gallantry and sanity,” he insisted.

As a result of all this, Zuleta wanted to send a message to the two officials: “I am going to remind Petro and Trujillo of a little phrase that Charles de Gaulle, former French president, said:“ I have come to the conclusion that politics is too serious to be left to the politicians ”.

It is worth noting that Trujillo is aware of being the possible candidate of Uribismo for the presidential elections of 2022, despite the fact that he has been criticized for his handling of security and the massacres so far this year, and Petro has maintained his aspiration to arrive at the Casa de Nariño since he lost the 2018 elections with Duque.
