Petro again asks to meet with President Duque due to COVID-19 crisis


The first request was made at the end of January. On this occasion, Gustavo Petro asks to overcome the differences to “unite all wills and overcome the serious situation.”

This Tuesday a new request from Senator Gustavo Petro was known to meet with President Iván Duque to propose a common agenda against the crisis caused by COVID-19. This time, the presidential candidate also made the request through official media.

Through a letter, the leader of Human Colombia reiterated the request he had made at the end of January to meet with the president. On that occasion, the senator published a trill in which he proposed “to President Duque to meet together to jointly build a national agenda in defense of life against COVID. A common threat must be faced with a common strategy that enhances the strength of the nation to overcome the problem ”.

This request did not receive further responses from the Iván Duque administration. For this reason, on this occasion, the request for a public hearing was made through a short letter. In this he reiterated his request and the reasons for it: “Mr. President, when the life, health and survival of all Colombians go through a trance as serious as it is present, it is essential to overcome differences.”

Can see: Petro, Fajardo and Char lead voting intention for 2022, according to Datexco

The leader of Human Colombia also expressed the need to “open transparent and purposeful dialogues and unite all wills to overcome the serious situation. Petro ended this communication with a proposal for the meeting to be held virtually or in person, due to possible restrictions due to the pandemic.

There are still no reactions to this meeting proposal. However, in the face of the first request, it is worth remembering that a good part of the Democratic Center reacted against this possibility and went up against the attitude assumed by Petro during the pandemic.

One of the staunch critics was Senator Carlos Felipe Mejía, who announced his presidential candidacy on Tuesday. “Cynical, opportunistic and liar as a good communist. He proposes to build, when he has not stopped destroying, ”Mejía said on that occasion. That position was shared by the senator, Ernesto Macías. He blamed the senator for his criticism of the government’s policies during the pandemic.

As well: “There is no way to beat Uribismo, but by getting together”: Gustavo Petro

“We are going for a year supporting the Pandemic and Petro destroying, saying that everything is failure and making populism even with vaccines. And now that President Iván Duque announced the vaccines and given the success of the Government, he leaves asking for a meeting to “build”. Opportunist! ”, Were the words of the president of the Congress between 2018 and 2019.
