Peasant injured by hippopotamus in Puerto Triunfo, Antioquia- Caracol News


The man had to be transferred to a healthcare center for various injuries to the body. Authorities try to determine how the incident occurred.

This Monday, a confusing event occurred in which a hippo injured a peasant on a farm located in the station Estación Pita, Puerto Triunfo, Magdalena Medio Antioquia.

According to preliminary information on what happened, the man was taken to a health center for various injuries to the body.

See also: Deadly game: in Puerto Triunfo they challenge each other to annoy hippos and then run away

From the Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Basins of the Black and Nare Rivers (Cornare) is investigating what happened.

“We must be very aware that they are not close and if so, take distance and take preventive actions,” said David Echeverri López, Coordinator of the Bosques y Biodiversidad Group.

In February this year, biologist Brigitte Baptiste, rector of EAN University, called hippos a pest as serious as coronavirus.

This, in view of the concern that there is about the affectation that they can cause to the ecosystems and tributaries in Colombia due to the overpopulation of these animals.

In the 1980s, four copies arrived at the Hacienda Nápoles owned by the drug trafficker Pablo Escobar.

But close to 40 years later, its population has grown incalculably and could reach between 800 and 5,000 in 2050, according to a study by American scientists.

Cornare stated that in cases of danger with these animals, the corporation’s telephone number 546 16 16, the Green Line 018000414123 or 123 of the National Police must be reported.

In context: Sacrifice hippos: controversial proposal to save water sources in the Magdalena Medio

Hippos, a pest as serious as the coronavirus: Brigitte Baptiste
