Payroll subsidy: companies may apply to Paef for payroll from September to November – Sectors – Economy


As of the third week of November, companies interested in applying to the Formal Employment Support Program (Paef) They may approach their financial institution to start the process in order to receive the subsidy corresponding to September, October and November 2020. (You may be interested in: Severance withdrawals from private funds total $ 5.5 billion this year)

In this new cycle of Paef, after having approved its expansion in the Congress of the Republic, new benefits will be applied.

In particular, for each woman employed, 50 percent of a minimum wage will be awarded, instead of the 40 percent originally raised. Likewise, the tourism, gastronomic and entertainment sectors, that have taken longer than the rest of the sectors to reactivate their activities, will receive a subsidy of 50 percent for each worker employed.

Juan Alberto Londoño, Deputy Minister of Finance, explained that “the national government is very committed to subsidizing the payroll of Colombian companies. We are concluding the last operational updates to Paef to include the novelties approved by Congress and from the third week of November, employers will be able to present in the same application the request for support to the payroll for those three months and receive the corresponding draft in December ”.

(Further: Economic push at the end of the year points to an injection of $ 15 billion)

Likewise, it makes an invitation for companies interested in accessing the program to prepare all the required documents.

In this sense, during the application period that will be enabled in the coming days, the companies will be able to file the documents and a form for each one of the three foreseen months, demonstrating in each case the fulfillment of the program requirements.

How to access Paef

Employers legal and natural persons, non-profit companies, consortia, temporary unions, associated work cooperatives and autonomous patrimonies, must present the following documents to the financial entity where they have their bank account:

Form defined by the Special Administrative Unit for Pension Management and Social Protection Parafiscal Contributions (Ugpp) and made available to financial entities for the application to Paef, completed and signed by the legal representative of the applicant, promoter or liquidator of the company in restructuring or liquidation, or natural person, with the following statement under oath:

* Identification of the beneficiary who makes the application to the program, as well as their legal representative when applicable.

* Intention to be a beneficiary of the program.

* That it is not an entity with direct participation of the nation or decentralized entity, greater than 50 percent of the capital.

* Certification signed by the legal representative, promoter or liquidator of a company undergoing restructuring or liquidation, the employer and the tax auditor or public accountant, in cases in which the applicant is not required to have a tax auditor, in the that is certified:

* The decrease in income.

* That the employees on whom the contribution will be received actually received the salary corresponding to the immediately preceding month.

* That without prejudice to the foregoing, the beneficiaries of the September, October and November application will pay, no later than within 5 business days after receiving the resources, the labor obligations owed from the August, September and October 2020, if they exist.


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