Paula Andrea Betancur’s husband clarifies fan alleged marriage crisis


Luis Miguel Zabaleta respectfully responded to a short message to the user who wrote to him in his post.

Apr 24, 2020 1:52 PMBy:

Paula Andrea Betancur She has always been considered one of the most beautiful women in the country and who does not spend years, in addition, she is also remembered for her participation in the contest of miss Universe when she represented Colombia in Mexico and managed to get the title to Virreina Universal.

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The Colombian after several years decided to give love the opportunity and currently shares her life with her partner the successful and famous dermatologist Luis Miguel Zabaleta Jiménez with which they enjoy the wonderful stage of educating their little Fatima and the fruit of their love.

The couple does not usually publish a large volume of content on networks about his personal and family life often as other celebrities do And this has caused great intrigue among some users on networks who have often asked if there is any problem in their relationship.

But this has been nothing but assumptionsBecause the exreina’s husband was the one who clarified this issue when with a short and respectful message he replied to one of his fans who commented on his latest publication on his Instagram account when the doctor showed an image of his wife and daughter and she intervened hinting that he thought they would be in a marriage crisis.

“I am happy to see a picture of the whole family again, God bless you and if there are problems, fight for your home and do not leave it”, the woman wrote.

“Thank you for worry! Not every day we have to show photos of our children, our families and our environment, to demonstrate to the world that everything is going well, with which we know ourselves is enough, sometimes all we want is peace and tranquility in our lives , Blessings”, answered.

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