Paul Naranjo, driver of the car, will deliver


The man, on who weighs an arrest warrant, has been wanted by the authorities for several months to clarify if he had a role in the death of the 21-year-old university student.

For now, Naranjo, 29, has not shown his face personally, but Through his defender he communicated his intention to surrender to the authorities. This was explained by the lawyer Jhon Cadena in a video broadcast by Noticias Caracol:

“This man is going to answer for his actions before the justice, he is going to surrender on Tuesday. It had been initially thought about this Friday, but due to logistical problems – gathering some elements for the audience – it is necessary to take three more days ”.

Naranjo is pointed out by the Prosecutor’s Office as allegedly responsible for the death of Ana María Castro, as well as Julián Ortegón, who has already been sent to jail as an alleged co-author.

The investigating body insists on hypothesis that the young woman was thrown from a moving car, a black Kia truck owned by Naranjo and that he was driving the night of the events, along with Ortegón as co-pilot. The two maintain that due to her location in the car they could not throw the young woman.

In this sense, the accused affirms that he left Ana María on Calle 80 with Carrera 69 in the company of another man.

That person is Mateo Reyes, the third man who was in the car with the victim and who gave a different version to explain the girl’s injuries and that point the responsibility towards Naranjo.

Reyes said in his testimony that after getting off, she got caught in the vehicle when it sped off and hit her head. That story is being used by the Prosecutor’s Office as evidence against Naranjo and Ortegón; While Reyes, for now, does not have any judicial requirement, although it was he who saw her alive for the last time and called 123 for help.

“Bear with us, the truth will come out”, said the lawyer Cadena on the delivery of Naranjo; which was also mentioned by the victim in a chat: “I’m drinking with Paul … I’m offended.”

Despite not being brought to justice, Paul Naranjo had delivered his version of events a few weeks ago to the ‘Seventh Day’ program. Here you can check his story:
