Paseo Bolívar, the only work that did not stop at Christmas


TO KNOW MORE the subway changes schedules

In order to meet the demand of the Christmas festivities, the Metro will modify schedules. On Thursday, December 24, the service will be provided until 10:00 p.m. On Thursday, December 31, the network will operate until 9:00 p.m. On Friday, December 25 and Friday, January 1, the commercial service will start at 5 : 30 am These changes will allow adjusting to the decrease in demand at this time.

Are we in the second or third wave?

Jéssica Giraldo Castrillón, epidemiologist and professor at the CES University, points out that in Colombia it is not possible to speak of second or third waves due to the coronavirus, since this epidemiological term is used for seasonal viruses, such as influenza, for example. But in the case of covid, it is not yet classified as seasonal or endemic. According to the specialist, this category is given after an evaluation of at least five years, to know the behavior of the virus. “That second or third wave does not have any scientific or epidemiological basis in this case,” said the specialist, who also added that, being strict, it can be said that “we are in a first great wave with variations.” He added that with this virus, from the beginning, it was thought that it would have a behavior similar to seasonal respiratory viruses. “At first it was said that with the summer it was going to go down”, but it did not happen and this was evident in Europe. Faced with this, Carlos Agudelo, epidemiologist and infectologist at the Bolivarian Clinic and the San Vicente Foundation of Rionegro, said that it is best to give a few days to see the complete trend. And he added: “Of course the second wave is coming” and, in addition, he posed a question: “Why would we be different from other countries?”, Knowing that, some more flexible than others, similar measures have been taken.

Will the curfew help reduce contagion?

From the outset, analysts agree that yes, as happened on March 25, when the country entered quarantine and the speed of contagion was reduced, but it generated a very high cost in economic matters. Looking up at the curfews Jéssica Giraldo Castrillón, an epidemiologist and professor at the CES University, assured that “restrictive measures of this type have no effect.” “In which country in the world do they have a curfew from 12 at night to 6 in the morning? In Colombia we are creative “, highlighted the specialist, noting that what is done with this type of decision is that places such as bars and restaurants close at a certain time,” and people are going to end the drunkenness in the House”. On the other hand, he noted that “the only thing that guarantees is that the entertainment sectors are not affected and at the same time say that something is being done. Carlos Agudelo, an epidemiologist and infectious disease specialist, pointed out that they are effective, insofar as in bars and discos, there are usually closed spaces, little distance and little use of face masks. But, on the other hand, he stressed that the measure punishes “the just for sinners.” He added that particular cases should be reviewed: “That the bars that comply can operate and those that do not, close them.” Although this “requires a more intensive monitoring and control action.”

Cali and Bogotá also adopted measures for these days

While President IDuke boards has reiterated in recent days that so far it does not contemplate a strict closure for the country, the main cities are adding more and more measures to the increase in infections. Cali is the most severe case. The mayor of the capital of the Valley Jorge Ivan Ospina, restarted the measurement of peak and ID in the city, with 5-digit restrictions. In addition, it decreed a curfew (from 11:00 pm to 5:00 am) and dry law (from 10:00 pm to 5:00 am) every day between December 16 and 23, the date on which will make a new evaluation to maximize or make the measures more flexible for the remainder of the year.

Meanwhile, Bogotá issued Decree 276 of 2020 in which it reiterates a voluntary call for citizens to enter isolation for 10 days before any family reunion. Although on this issue it does not establish any explicit prohibition, it does so in terms of the sale of alcohol. The city will only allow the consumption of intoxicating beverages when it is performed as a complement to dishes served at the table and only until 10:00 p.m. It also suspends non-urgent medium or high complexity surgical procedures that may require ICU, between the 15 December and January 15. The mayor’s office indicates that these measures will be in force as long as the occupancy of the UCI is above 70%.


The figures in Europe give no truce. This Thursday it became the first region in the world to exceed half a million deaths from covid-19, with 500,069 deaths. With the confirmed contagion of the French president, Emmanuel macron, and the quarantine of the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez; and the Portuguese prime minister, Antonio CostaEurope is heading for a Christmas in complete restraint. Restrictions such as the closure of non-essential shops and schools have already entered into force in Germany, in addition to the cessation of activity in force since the beginning of November in the leisure, sports, culture and gastronomy sectors. These measures will last at least until January 10. Portugal will extend the maximum state of emergency until the beginning of January 2021 and Italy is preparing to announce new intermediate restrictions between December 24 and January 6, and more severe measures for weekends and holidays.

France, with more than 11,500 new infections and more than 300 deaths in the last hours, decreed a curfew between eight at night and six in the morning every day; and the United Kingdom raised the alert to its maximum level in London, which implies the closure of bars, restaurants and entertainment venues. The European Union will begin vaccination on December 27.

Recommendations for a biosecure Christmas

The holiday season has required greater restrictions to prevent the spread of the virus and greater self-care. For example, Carlos Alvarez, delegated by the World Health Organization (WHO) for clinical studies in Colombia, assured that “if we want to hug Mom at this time, we must do a minimum isolation of 14 days before visiting her.”

Likewise, the epidemiologist Jéssica giraldo He pointed out that citizens should plan and establish a “bubble” in which exits are avoided and isolation is made before making visits, especially to the elderly, who are the most vulnerable. For its part, the Ministry of Health gave other suggestions: take advantage of technology as a tool to not lose traditions, as well as not overlook washing hands, maintain social distancing, prefer outdoor places or open windows for a correct ventilation of the place.

The Mayor’s Office of Medellín also reiterated avoiding the use of balloons with incandescent wick, as well as being careful with the use of alcohols and disinfectants when approaching stoves and other combustion elements and, in case of burns, wash the area with water. clean and cold, without soap and without scrubbing, do not blow or apply home remedies and go to the nearest healthcare center.
