Job offers: Call Center opened 9,000 job vacancies in Colombia

[ad_1] Featured news from Economy EconomyFebruary 19, 2021 – 9:56 p.m. meter.For: Drafting Economy Teleperformance announced that from this Friday it can be applied to positions in the areas of customer service, technical support, content moderation and sales. See how to apply. The Teleperformance company, which provides Call Center services …

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mom talked about compensation for death

[ad_1] The young victim would have turned 22 on February 16, but in exchange for that he is a few days after the first anniversary of his death for facts that the authorities have not been able to clarify. Precisely with the commemoration of these dates, Nidia Romero spoke with …

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[Fotos] Thieves rob and shoot bus passenger in the Atlantic

[ad_1] The vehicle, with plates SOR 541, is affiliated with the Berlinas company and left the terminal with several passengers last Thursday afternoon. However, reported Zona Cero, when crossing the town of Baranoa (Atlántico), three of the occupants rose from their seats and intimidated the driver and the other occupants …

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