Outrage by video of several children, apparently, drinking liquor at a party in Cartagena


A video recorded in the Olaya Herrera neighborhood of Cartagena
It has caused outrage, because in it several children are seen drinking what would be liquor in a street and in the middle of a party, without complying with a single measure against the coronavirus

According to the Police, once the video was known, an investigation was initiated that allowed the location of two girls, both six years old, and their mothers.

“At this moment, Childhood and Adolescence already have the parents, they already have the children and they go to the Colombian Family Welfare Institute to place the case,” reported Colonel Jorge Albeiro Carrillo, deputy commander of the Cartagena Police.

The mothers who allegedly allowed the minors to consume liquor were punished with two subpoenas and, in addition, linked them to a judicial process carried out by the Prosecutor’s Office for the crime of supplying to minors.

The two minors were left at the disposal of the ICBF and the process of restoring their rights began.

The activist Fanny Pachón asked “the Police for Children and Adolescents to carry out a rigorous investigation into this fact and to give an exemplary punishment. Minors must be cared for, children must be cared for, they must not be induced to consume alcohol ”.

Colonel Carrillo also made a call “to the parents and the community of Cartagena to avoid such situations, that they do not involve children and adolescents in those situations of dances, of consumption of alcoholic beverages.”
