In a direct letter to the Iberian president, Pedro Sánchez, 20 congressmen told him that the appointment of the former prosecutor “is an immoral act, which only benefits the enemies of peace and is an escape so that the investigations that are being carried out against him can advance” .
The political opposition in Congress continues with its crusade to prevent the possible arrival of the former attorney general, Néstor Humberto Martínez, to the Spanish embassy, which, although it has not been confirmed by the House of Nariño, seems imminent . 20 legislators from different parties, including senators and representatives to the Chamber, addressed a letter directly to Pedro Sánchez Pérez, president of the government of Spain, in which they expressed their concern about the appointment of the former head of the accusing body. The letter goes with a copy to the Vice President and Minister of Social Rights and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, María Aránzazu González.
“A group of Colombian parliamentarians have decided to send you this letter in order to inform you and your country of the serious events that are being investigated in Colombia and that involve the former attorney general, Néstor Humberto Martínez Neira, who has been appointed by President Iván Duque as the new ambassador to Spain, ”says the letter, which lists one by one the complaints and alleged irregularities in which the former official is involved.
Also read: “First time I hear that ‘Iván Márquez’ had been intercepted”: Néstor H. Martínez
For example, there is talk of his alleged participation in the Odebrecht corruption scandal, in the alleged blows to the Havana peace negotiators “in an attempt to affect the peace process”, and of the 24 thousand audios that were known last week, revealed by The viewer, which the Prosecutor’s Office, under the direction of Martínez, had in its power and in which the interception of communications is evidenced in the framework of a covert operation carried out by the DEA, as part of a set-up to affect the implementation of the Peace Agreement .
“These tests, which involve Jesus Santrich, Former FARC negotiator, they were denied to the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), an entity created by the Peace Agreement to judge crimes in the context of the conflict. At the time, the Prosecutor’s Office argued that the United States did not want to provide the evidence that it had and this did not allow evaluating its relevance. Today these events have caused the rearmament of a group of former FARC peace negotiators, Ivan Marquez, Jesus Santrich, among others, all this has generated a new spiral of violence, seriously affecting the continuity of the implementation of the Peace Agreement ”, adds the letter to the Spanish president.
And it concludes: “the appointment of Néstor Humberto Martínez as Colombian ambassador to the government of the Kingdom of Spain is an immoral act, which only benefits the enemies of peace and is an escape so that the investigations that are being carried out against him can advance ”. To request, finally, that the inconvenience of accepting him as the country’s diplomatic representative in Madrid be considered.
The letter is signed by Senators Iván Cepeda, Alexánder and Wilson Arias, from the Democratic Pole; Gustavo Bolívar from the Green Alliance; Julián Gallo and Aida Avella from the FARC party; and representatives like María José Pizarro, from the Decent Coalition; César Augusto Pachón, from MAIS, and Ángela María Robledo, from Colombia Humana, among others.