Only 3 departments in Colombia do not have coronavirus infection


The pandemic reached 3 regions that until a week ago had entered the Government’s plan to revive the economy.

Putumayo and Vaupés, with 2 cases, and Arauca with one, will have to stop this reactivation in part of their territory, since President Iván Duque was clear that if the first case was confirmed, they should return to full mandatory isolation.

It is worth noting that the return to quarantine does not host the entire department, but rather the areas where the contagion was confirmed, and therefore more than 800 municipalities can continue to adopt a biosafety protocol to prevent transmission of the virus.

Coronavirus in Colomia

At this time there are also a large number of municipalities in Antioquia, Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Santander and Nariño that are not affected.

This information is published daily on the page of the Ministry of Health and is the one that the Ministry of the Interior takes into account to authorize or reject the lifting of the quarantine.

Coronavirus cases in Colombia May 12

“It is a new stage to improve the productivity of the regions, to improve the isolation conditions. But it is also one of great responsibility and commitment in which the territorial entities and the mayorships must guarantee in all areas the distancing measures, the use of face masks and that people at risk and older adults remain in their homes, “assured the Vice Minister of Public Health and Provision of Services, Luis Alexander Moscoso.

He added that “the establishments that will open cannot be for meetings, cafes or restaurants. We continue with distancing and hygiene measures ”, highlighting that responsibility, work and collective awareness will allow“ transmission risks to be minimized ”.

This is the contagion map of the Ministry of Health:
