On video | The first regional center for entrepreneurship and innovation is delivered


In Barranquilla the first regional headquarters of CEmprende was inaugurated, the campus for entrepreneurs, which is an initiative of Innpulsa, the national government’s entrepreneurship agency.

The event was attended by the President of the Republic, Iván Duque Márquez, who highlighted this new opportunity for the capital of the Atlantic.

“It fills me with emotion because Barranquilla has always been told that it is the Golden Gate, That is because there is a door between innovation and entrepreneurship, it is the ability to generate wealth over time and opportunities. To be here today is to project the city into the 21st century. We are here to open that first node of regional CEmprende ”, said the head of state.

CEmprende aims to consolidate and strengthen the entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystem of the country, through the connection of entrepreneurs from different regions of the country in stages of ideation, early seed, scaling and consolidation with a collaborative offer of more than 120 national and international allies from private companies, the education sector and the public sector.

Thanks to the support of the French embassy, ​​MinTIC, chambers of commerce, universities and other relevant national and international actors, this joint purpose has been achieved.

Ignacio Gaitán, president of Innpulsa Colombia, stated that “having this integration space in Barranquilla represents the opportunity to continue stimulating the development of entrepreneurial talent and consolidate our Entrepreneurial Nation, since it will also promote development in the entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystem of San Andrés, Valledupar and Santa Marta ”.

The event was also attended by the governor of Atlántico, Elsa Noguera. “Today more than ever we have to promote innovation and entrepreneurship to generate these job opportunities how much the department requires. That is why we celebrate that Atlánticonnect has been chosen as iNNpulsa’s strategic partner to locate its first CEmprende regional headquarters in Barranquilla ”.

Thousand Domains

During the opening ceremony, the president of Innpulsa Colombia and Karen Abudinen, ICT minister, announced the launch of a thousand .CO domains for entrepreneurs in Colombia, and also those who do not have a presence in the digital ecosystem will have the benefit of another thousand domain registration kits.

“Today this ICT ministry is generating equity. We will help those who come to CEmprende to create a web page, They will have a giga to save or store and additionally emails to communicate. This ministry is giving them the tools to keep dreaming, we are giving a sense of connectivity and we will move on, “said Abudinen.

Each kit includes one year of one-gig hosting; three email accounts and web template for the creation of the site. This project is an initiative of INNpulsa and the ICT Ministry, Tecnoglass also joins this project.

On the other hand, the ICT minister announced the opening of registrations for ‘Colombia 4.0’, the most important digital content summit in the country that year after year brings together the best of the creative industry in Colombia and the world. This will be held from December 1 to 3.

“We are launching Colombia 4.0 here in Barranquilla, the event will feature animation, video games, music, media, advertising. They can be registered on the website. Wonderful things are happening in the city and the Atlantic. Remember that connectivity is equity ”.

The event was also attended by the mayor of Barranquilla, Jaime Pumarejo Heins, senators, university rectors and entrepreneurs.
