On video, a man was caught abusing a girl who had gone to the store to buy juice


In Marinilla
, Antioquia, a man is singled out by sexual abuse
to a girl only 7 years old. The subject was captured by a security camera and is wanted by the authorities.

It only took a few minutes for the abuser to approach the little girl, who, according to the mother’s testimony, had asked permission to go and buy a juice at a store near the house. Her mother was watching her from the balcony, but the worst happened in an oversight.

“There was a moment when my other daughter, who was in the bathroom, called me and then I went in and that was in a moment. The girl was already at the door, she was crying and she told me that her private parts had been touched. I went down right there, I didn’t see anyone, “said the child’s mother.

In the video it is observed how the man realizes that nobody sees him, to go after the little girl.

“We are with a special group collecting information and also evidence that allows us to identify that person and achieve his capture,” said Colonel Luis Arcos, operational commander of the Antioquia Police.

The Mayor of Marinilla offered a reward to anyone who helps find the person responsible for the abuse of the girl.

“We ask the community to help us identify this subject and that is why we are offering a reward of 8 million pesos”, Said Adriana Tamayo, Secretary of Government of Marinilla.

According to authorities, the man is not known in the neighborhood and, if caught, could face a sentence of between 12 and 20 years in prison.
