Official: there will be no Tour Colombia 2021


Featured news from Cycling

This was confirmed by Mauricio Vargas, president of Fedeciclismo, in the Sports Carousel of Caracol Radio.

One of the few things that Colombians managed to enjoy before the arrival of the pandemic was the Tour Colombia. The battles of Nairo Quintana, Rigoberto Urán and Egan Bernal moved more than one person. Sergio Higuita’s triumph was unforgettable for him and for an edition that reaffirmed that the most important cycling event in the country was starting to get bigger and bigger.

Unfortunately, due to the health and economic crisis that Colombia is going through due to the pandemic, the Tour Colombia 2021 will not be able to take place. Mauricio Vargas, president of Fedeciclismo, confirmed this in the Sports Carousel of Caracol Radio. According to the leader, everything possible was done to comply with the guarantees, but several World Tour teams said that due to the conditions it was risky to come to the country.

Given the circumstances, Fedeciclismo and the Ministry of Sports endorsed the cancellation of the race and agreed to work together so that the race in its next version maintains the level it had been showing and thus continues to position itself within the cycling calendar.
