Odebrecht: Gabriel Dumar joins accusations against Santos’ campaign


The businessman Gabriel Dumar, in the middle of the trial against Luis Fernando Andrade, former president of the ANI, assured that the bribes from Odebrecht in Colombia had been used to finance the reelection campaign of Juan Manuel Santos. Last month, the No no Elijah said the same.

The wall of witnesses in the criminal trial faced by Luis Fernando Andrade, former president of the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI), continues to give clues about possible illegal financing of Juan Manuel Santos’ re-election campaign in 2014. While Andrade is investigates crimes of undue interest and contract without compliance with legal requirements, the witnesses called by the Prosecutor’s Office go the other way and assure, under oath, that Odebrecht put money to take over the Ocaña-Gamarra section of the Ruta del Sol II , which would later have been injected into the presidential campaign.

In context: businessman Gabriel Dumar, convicted by Odebrecht, was released.

The turn during this March 18 was for the businessman Gabriel Dumar, who is condemned for making the infrastructure consortium that he legally represented, SION, the money laundering of Odebrecht, through the Ruta del Sol concessionaire. According to Dumar, The Brazilian multinational used his company to deliver money to the star lobbyists: former congressmen Otto Bula and Bernardo No no Elías, who claim to have used their influence before senior government officials so that Odebrecht would win millionaire construction contracts in the country. For years Dumar, Ñoño Elías and Otto Bula shared the Ere Sur patio in La Picota prison in Bogotá.

The Prosecutor’s Office called Luis Fernando Andrade to trial in February 2018, as it considers that the former president of the ANI would be one of those officials who allowed himself to be corrupted by Otto Bula and No no Elijah. “Between approximately 2009 and 2014, Odebrecht made and caused corrupt payments of more than US $ 11 million to be made in Colombia to ensure that it was awarded public works contracts (…) it has been flatly established that the Ruta del Sol contract II was added by the ANI, led by Luis Fernando Andrade, through others 3 and 6, to include the Ocaña-Agua Clara-Gamarra-Puerto Acapulco route ”, said the Prosecutor’s Office.

Also read: “My collaboration was referred to receiving and bringing information”: Otto Bula in trial against Andrade.

The businessman Gabriel Dumar is a key element for the Prosecutor’s Office, since for years he has promised to collaborate with the justice in exchange for a reduction of sentence and his statements represent a pillar in various processes. For example, Dumar splashed Bernardo No no Elías, who in February 2018 accepted having been part of Odebrecht’s black hand. He received six years and eight months in jail. During the morning of March 18, Dumar explained that in 2014 the SION consortium signed a subcontract with the Ruta del Sol Concessionaire to build 10 kilometers of the Ruta del Sol II, which was, in reality, a cake to benefit the corrupt.

“Otto Bula – sentenced to five years in prison in 2020 – sought me out in 2013. The idea was to build this section, but at a certain point they told me that they were going to build the work themselves because the resource they were going to pay me $ 10,000 million was going to be used to pay Bernardo Elías and Otto Bula for the favors they had done, ”said Dumar. The businessman assured that at that time he was “the one with a blind eye”, because they told him that, in exchange for turning those money to the former congressmen, he was supposedly going to receive a future infrastructure contract.

Background: Trial against Luis Fernando Andrade for the Odebrecht case, about to begin.

With dates engraved on his head, businessman Gabriel Dumar said that on February 12, 2014 the contract between SION and ConSol was signed. A month later, on March 12 of that year, the company that Dumar represented received a 20% advance, corresponding to around $ 2 billion. “That money, at the instructions of Bernardo Elías, I was giving them to them. I gave Otto Bula $ 360 million and to No no $ 1.6 billion. I gave them to the cousin of one of them, to the drivers, in the same house ”, assured Dumar.

The witness also assured that the money came to him through the Corficolombiana trust company, commanded by Grupo Aval. After questions from the Prosecutor’s Office, Dumar said he remembered a meeting at the Calle Larga farm in the municipality of Sahagún (Córdoba), which is the homeland of both Otto Bula and Bernardo No no Elijah. At the party, Dumar says, the No no He told him that Roberto Prieto, manager of Santos’ re-election campaign, had asked for money for the management he was carrying out in 2014. “There I gave him $ 800 million. And that’s how I was giving him money when he asked for it, ”said the businessman.

This is how he explained it: “That meeting at that farm, because as I was telling about the money I gave Bernardo, that meeting was for the month of April or May 2014. That meeting was the launch of the Santos Presidente campaign in the department of Córdoba. There were all the leaders of the group called ‘La Ñoñomanía’, which was the group that Bernardo Elías led. Several directors of the campaign attended, Dr. Roberto Prieto, Dr. Sergio Díaz Granados, and Dr. Miguel Pico. After that meeting Bernardo tells me that he needed $ 700 million or $ 800 million, I don’t remember the amount, that they had asked him. Bernardo told me it was for the campaign “

In context: Odebrecht told me that they would reinforce the re-election of Santos: “Ñoño” Elías.

The alleged illegal financing of the Santos campaign would also have been detailed by Bernardo No no Elías, in a hearing against Luis Fernando Andrade, on February 24. According to the former congressman, the head of Odebrecht in Colombia, Eleuberto Martorelli, was interested in the re-election of Santos, since that meant Andrade’s continuity in the ANI: “between the first and second presidential rounds, Martorelli told me not to He would abandon the issue of Othersi 6. He told me the following: ‘I had a meeting with Juan Manuel Santos, with the campaign managers and I had a meeting with Roberto Prieto and we are going to reinforce so as not to lose the second round.’

After talking about Juan Manuel Santos, the businessman Dumar explained what for him was the link of corruption on the Ocaña-Gamarra section: “Andrade had no financial interest. The No no He told me that he had not received a peso, that he only wanted to look good with Minister Cecilia Álvarez – then head of the Transportation portfolio – What was that interest? Approve Othersí 6 because the family of Gina Parody – Álvarez’s partner – had an interest in an infrastructure work in Magdalena ”.

However, all those pointed out by Gabriel Dumar and Bernardo No no Elías have denied the reported episodes. For example, the defense of Luis Fernando Andrade maintains that the former president of the ANI is innocent because, in reality, all the corrupt processes in that office were handled by Juan Sebastián Correa, Andrade’s right-hand man in the ANI, who in 2017 left imprisonment after agreeing to an agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office. For her part, former minister Cecilia Álvarez has denied the alleged interest in Ruta del Sol II.

In dialogue with The viewer, on February 26, the lawyer Alfonso Portela, representative of Juan Manuel Santos, said that the No no Elías only incurred contradictions. “In the morning he said one thing, in the cross-examination another, like the former ministers: in the morning he said that they were the people most interested in the otheri of the Ocaña-Gamarra section and in the afternoon he said he did not know. Almost all his testimony is based on the fact that he has learned things from another person, Martorelli and Bula, despite the fact that he does not mention the latter ”, he concluded.
