Not to believe! Man fell asleep on the railway and was run over by a train in Santander


Sergio Rojas Fuentes, 51 years old, exceeded the consumption of liquor in the Vizcaina Baja village, in the municipality of Simacota in Santander. After taking for several hours he fell asleep right on the rails of the railway and was run over by a train.

This was pointed out by Colonel Iván Darío Santamaría, commander of the Police in Santander, when confirming that at dawn on Saturday his men helped the man, who suffered injuries to his legs and other parts of the body as a result of the impact.

“Apparently this person was in a state of intoxication after having exceeded the intake of liquor. He was assisted by our police personnel and by the operators of the railway system ”, assured the high official.

According to the authorities, the man was referred to the Magdalena Medio regional hospital in Barrancabermeja, where he received basic care. According to the doctors, his left leg was amputated due to the severity of the injuries. The affected person also suffered lacerations in his right arm and is under a reserved prognosis.
