Night curfew and dry law in municipalities of the Atlantic


At the end of Unified Command Post (PMU) To review the progress of vaccination, which was developed from the city of Barranquilla, Minister Fernando Ruiz Gómez assured that they are carrying out strict epidemiological surveillance due to the increase in the number of cases of contagion by covid-19.

“We still cannot say that we are entering a third peak; it is clear that all of South America, including Colombia, has a high rate of contagion ”, explained the leader of the Health and Social Protection portfolio.

Ruiz Gómez indicated that countries like Chile, Peru and Brazil They have also been showing a growth in the number of infected.

“There are countries with high rates of contagion. At this moment it is critical and we cannot let our guard down. We must continue with self-care measures, “he added.

The Health Minister ruled out that, for the moment, a new variant of the virus has reached Santa Marta. This city, during the last week, has had an upward growth in the number of cases and the consumption of ICU beds: “We have no evidence in this regard. The National Institute of Health has been carrying out the corresponding studies ”.

Ruiz Gómez indicated that the vaccination process in Barranquilla and the Atlantic is progressing satisfactorily: “There is a good rate, it has been an efficient work on the part of the authorities. However, the advance in vaccination does not mean that the pandemic is over. “

In addition, he acknowledged that in some areas of the country they are relegated in the application of biologicals, but that in the course of weeks it is expected to accelerate this process.

Likewise, the Minister of Health indicated that next week the vaccination of older adults between 60 and 79 years old who are in long-stay centers and prisons should be accelerated. For their part, people between 75 and 76 years old They will be vaccinated according to the schedule.

According to the development of the Vaccination Plan in Colombia, the Government has detected that some territorial entities and Districts have biologicals that have not been applied.

“Therefore, a distribution formula was proposed for the vaccines that are arriving. Those departments and districts that are below 50.7% execution will not receive vaccines, “he said.
