Nicolás Maduro’s regime announced the pardon of dozens of opposition leaders imprisoned or exiled


Jorge Rodríguez, Minister of Communication of the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro (EFE / Prensa Miraflores)
Jorge Rodríguez, Minister of Communication of the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro (EFE / Prensa Miraflores)

Nicolás Maduro’s regime announced on Monday the pardon of dozens of opposition leaders imprisoned or exiled. Among them are Freddy Guevara, Mariela Magallanes, Freddy Superlano, José Guerra, Tomas Guanipa, Carlos Lozano, Carlos Lozano, Juan Andrés Mejía, Miguel Pizarro, Simon Calzadilla, Henry Ramos, Gilber Caro, Renzo Prieto and Vasco Da Costa.

The list of pardoned opposition officials, announced by Jorge Rodríguez, Minister of Communication of the regime, also includes the following names: Américo De Grazia, Richard Blanco, Jorge Millán, José Guerra, Tomás Guanipa, Luis Stefanelli, Carlos Paparoni, Aristimuño Miguel, José Marulanda, Rubén Darío Rojas, Arcas Roldan Vicent José, Isabel Moncada, Moreno Nelly, Roberto Marrero, Toro Wilmer, José Daniel Hernández, Rafael Guzmán, Franco Casella, Juan Pablo García, Winston Flores, Ramos Allup, Edgar Zambrano, Luis Florido.

“The police, military and prison service bodies must immediately implement the freedom measures agreed upon by the competent courts named in this decree,” said Rodríguez. “The executive vice president, the minister of the Penitentiary Service and the Minister of Internal Relations of Justice and Peace, are in charge of executing this decree,” he added.

Dictator Nicolás Maduro insists on holding parliamentary elections despite condemnation from the international community
Dictator Nicolás Maduro insists on holding parliamentary elections despite condemnation from the international community

The Chavista official said that those pardoned “have the opportunity to participate in the parliamentary elections” called by the regime for December 6. “We don’t know if these people are going to participate in the elections. There is no conditioning in this pardon, although the intention is that the people can decide who to vote for ”.

“The intention is that we take advantage of this stellar opportunity so that on December 6, we will demonstrate to the world the strength of democracy in Venezuela,” he said. “This decree,” he continued, “seeks national reconciliation and that the political actions of all actors be redirected through constitutional, peaceful and electoral channels, hopefully Maduro’s message will be heard.”

A large part of the opposition refused to participate in the elections, considering them “fraudulent”. Along these lines, the United States, the European Union (EU), and most of the countries and international organizations in Latin America denounced that there are no conditions to carry out “free and transparent” elections.

This announcement of the Maduro dictatorship will now raise several questions about what the regime’s intention is with this maneuver. One of the speculations is that the decision is related to an agreement with the European Union for a potential participation of Henrique Capriles in the December legislatures.

Juan Requesens released from SEBIN with house for jail
Juan Requesens released from SEBIN with house for jail

Last Friday, after more than two years in detention, the Chavista regime released opposition deputy Juan Requesens, who is now under house arrest.

Tamara suju, executive director of the Casla Institute, described the measure announced by the dictatorship as “absurd”, since the pardoned have not been tried or sentenced: “Please! Presidential Pardon? Condoning the Penalty of those who have not been tried or sentenced? This does not exist in Criminal Law. Forgive them? What crimes did Nicolas commit? If they are Political Persecuted? How absurd! ”.

The discharge of Tamara Suju, a human rights lawyer and director of the Casla Institute, after the pardon announced by the Nicolás Maduro dictatorship
The discharge of Tamara Suju, a human rights lawyer and director of the Casla Institute, after the pardon announced by the Nicolás Maduro dictatorship

Regarding the latter, the names “pardoned” by the dictatorship belong to leaders without convictions, some exiles, and others disabled. The case is different, for example, of Leopoldo López, who last year was released on April 30 from his house arrest by the military with a “presidential pardon” from Juan Guaidó. The leader of Voluntad Popular (VP), who was serving a sentence of almost 14 years in prison dictated by the Chavista justice, is not part of the list announced this Monday by Jorge Rodríguez.

Julio Borges and Carlos Vecchio, ambassadors of the Guaidó government in Colombia and the United States, respectively, are not on the payroll either. Both have an arrest warrant for the Chavista attorney general, Tarek William Saab, who accused them of conspiring to prevent the Venezuelan gold deposited in the Bank of England from being used by Chavismo.


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