News: Schools will already be able to know how prepared they are for the return to face-to-face classes


Thanks to a tool, schools will already be able to know how prepared they are for the return to face-to-face classes.

A page is enabled for all educational institutions in the country where they can access an analysis

It is an initiative of Climbing, a social enterprise that seeks to guarantee safe, healthy and protective school environments for all girls and boys in the country.

Through the Welbin Index, a virtual tool, the objective is to analyze, in a massive, agile and systematic way, the largest number of schools possible, equipping educational communities with the necessary information to prevent COVID-19.

In addition, all schools that requested the diagnosis before August 30 will be part of the National Study of School Health and Well-being.

Schools will already be able to know how prepared they are

With the support of Red PaPaz, multiple Secretariats of Education of the country and under the highest international standards, Escalando undertook the task of building the First National Study of School Health and Well-being, which generates a rapid diagnosis of the conditions and practices of schools, allowing decisions based on evidence that favor the rights of girls and boys, against the COVID-19 prevention.

“We identify that schools, families and governments lack information about health care in educational settings. We need this information to recognize what is being done right, improve what is wrong and move faster towards where we need to go. : safe, healthy and protective educational environments. Furthermore, we are going to make this information available to the Secretariats of Education, schools and families, because getting out of this situation is the responsibility of everyone, not just the Ministry of Education “, assured Daniel Tobón, co-founder of Escalando.

The virtual tool analyzes, in less than 30 minutes, the school management practices in relation to the prevention of the coronavirus.

It also takes into account the promotion of health and well-being for the educational community, implementing international school health frameworks led by the World Health Organization, UNESCO, Unicef, the World Bank and the US Center for Disease Control. USA

“So far, 800 educational institutions in more than 130 cities and 25 departments have participated in the National Study,” added Tobón.

In addition, the results of the report will be shared in September and will serve as a route for institutions to adopt or improve practices that ensure safe and healthy spaces for the entire educational body.

These are the steps:

  1. A teaching director per educational institution must enter
  2. Fill out the entire form and send the answers.
  3. Receive an immediate and confidential diagnosis and an infographic with practical recommendations to prepare the school for the return to face-to-face classes.
  4. Once the results are published, a copy of the National School Health and Well-being Study can be downloaded


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