NEWS: Police threaten Publimetro photojournalist in protests


For fulfilling his journalistic work, he was intimidated by several policemen. Police threaten Publimetro photojournalist amid protests.

Dozens of protesters demanding justice in the case of lawyer Javier Ordóñez, who died after being a victim of police violence during an arrest in Bogotá, clashed with the police on different streets of the capital on Wednesday.

And precisely in the midst of these disturbances and while carrying out his work as a photojournalist, Juan Pablo Pino, a photographer for Publimetro Colombia, was threatened by several police officers.

This was announced by the newspaper’s director, Alejandro Pino Calad, through his Twitter account after receiving the information from the journalist.

Police officers threatened to “take away his press card, retain him, and fine him for taking photos of the protest on Park Way.

The photographer also denounces that he was insulted, threatened and was almost arrested just for taking photos at the site.

The local mayor of Chapinero contacted the media and guaranteed the journalist’s safety.

Police threaten Publimetro photojournalist in protests.


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