News from Colombia: man who arrived by flight from Bogotá to Cartagena died of covid-19 – Other Cities – Colombia


This Tuesday, September 8, it was known that a passenger who arrived in Cartagena on the 2nd of this month, from Bogotá, and who passed all the screening controls at the Rafael Núñez airport, died hours later due to coronavirus.

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The 41-year-old man becomes the first traveler to die from covid-19 in Cartagena after the opening of all sectors and the so-called ‘new normal’.

Once in Cartagena, this person presented the symptoms of covid-19, testing positive after the antigen test. The man was later reported to have passed away.

It was also known that the traveler had arrived in Cartagena for business matters.

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“The patient was sampled for covid-19, yielding a positive result. After that, he was able to access his relatives for the epidemiological investigation, his wife was tested, which was negative, while his 3-year-old daughter will be performed this Tuesday, “said the District Administrative Department of Health (Dadis).

The man’s symptoms began with an occasional cough that same September 2 at night.Therefore, in the first instance, his family related the discomfort he presented as the effects of climate change.

The deceased’s wife assured the health authorities that neither she nor her spouse had had a relationship or contact with any positive for the disease.

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“On September 3, the patient continued with symptoms of cough and respiratory distress, on the 4th they consulted the doctor and he decided that he should be transferred to an IPS, they went to the Bocagrande Hospital and due to the persistence of the symptoms they decided to hospitalize him on September 5, “said Johana Bueno, director of Dadis.

The epidemiological field investigation activated by the district health authority in Cartagena has already identified all the passengers on the flight.

“The passengers with whom he had a possible close contact were identified (confirmed positive case at a distance of 2 meters). Each of the cases is tracked and, according to the classification, the relevant evidence, “concluded the official.

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