News from Colombia: Epidemiologists ask the governor to postpone reactivation in Santander – Santander – Colombia


The announcement of the Governor of Santander, Mauricio Aguilar Hurtado, of the economic reactivation of gyms, churches and restaurants it didn’t go down very well among epidemiologists in the region.

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Laura Rodríguez is a doctor in epidemiology and a member of the team of experts who occupy a place in the Unified Command Post, where decisions are made regarding the pandemic in Santander.

Rodríguez has been emphatic in that it is not yet time to ‘lower your guard’ in the department, given that it has a different behavior compared to other capitals of the country.

“Here in Santander we are at a different time and we do not see as a recommendation that we live this acceleration of the economic reactivation, because we are in an increase in cases and our hospital capacity is on red alert, “said Dr. Rodríguez.

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The expert does not recommend a total closure, however, she does ask the authorities to evaluate maintaining the peak and double-digit identification measures that are in the municipalities.

“The tracking strategy has not reached a maturity because it has only started until now. You have to carefully analyze these contagion rates and the scenario for Santander to implement more specific restrictions in some sectors “, the epidemiologist emphasized.

We do not see as a recommendation that we live this acceleration of the economic reactivation

For his part, the mayor of Bucaramanga, Juan Carlos Cárdenas, has insisted that the reactivation with pilots in the neighborhoods with lower contagion rates should be analyzed in the Santander capital.

The local president assured that after the first half of September There could be a gradual reactivation of gyms, restaurants and churches.

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On August 29 there will be a meeting in which the governor, together with the mayors of the metropolitan area of ​​Bucaramanga, will study what the experts indicate to define the measures that the economic reactivation in Santander will have.

According to the latest report from the National Institute of Health (INS), in Santander there are 16,187 cases of coronavirus and 679 deaths.

(More content of the coronavirus in Santander: Santander exceeded 16 thousand cases of covid-19)

