News from Colombia: A Colombian who would have killed eight people in eight days in Chile fell – Other Cities – Colombia


The Chilean Police captured Diego Alexander Ruíz Restrepo on Monday, a 30-year-old Colombian man accused of murdering eight people in eight days in the Meiggs neighborhood, the center of the Chilean capital.

According to information revealed by the North Central Prosecutor’s Office to public opinion, the defendant murdered his victims while they slept and most were on the streets. In addition, one of his victims would be another Colombian citizen.

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The homicides reportedly occurred between November 1 and 8 on a perimeter of the Meiggs neighborhood, more precisely in the territory between the communes of Santiago and Estación Central, an area near the intersection of Avenida Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins with Matucana.

The Chilean police squad raided Ruíz Restrepo’s apartment this Monday at 3 p.m., where they found clothes and knives that would make him a suspect in the events that kept Santiago in shock, which is why a detention operation that allowed the capture of Ruíz in Diego Portales street of the Central Station commune.

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Until now there is a pattern of conduct and there are means of proof that place Ruíz Restrepo at the site of the events

However, these are not the only evidence against Ruíz Restrepo. According to Mario Rozas, director general of the Chilean Police, the capture is preceded by a vast cross-section of information provided by security camera videos and witness testimonies.

“Until now there is a pattern of conduct and there are means of proof that place Ruíz Restrepo at the site of the events,” said Rozas.

According to information from the North Central Prosecutor’s Office, Ruiz’s modus operandi consisted of approaching his victims while they slept. He approached them and attacked them with a knife to death.

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According to the newspaper La Opinion de Chile, the first homicide was registered at 6:15 a.m. on November 1, when he repeatedly stabbed a man identified as Carlos Rivas, a Colombian citizen in a street situation. who received several stabs while he slept, although other versions assure that it was the product of a fight.

Then about 25 minutes later, Police records assure that Ruíz would have done the same with an adult over 64 years old, also while the victim was sleeping.

His criminal actions surprised the Police and the Prosecutor’s Office, since – unlike the usual prototypes of serial killers – Ruíz did not interact with his victims.

“The characteristics of the detainee are quite special, since he did not interact with the victims, many of them were even sleeping when he, without provocation, stabbed them“said Pamela Contreras, prosecutor of the North Central Prosecutor’s Office in Santiago.

According to Contreras, Ruíz Restrepo has already confessed to several of the homicides for which he is singled out. However, he has not explained their motivations.

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The capture of this alleged serial killer has caused a stir in Santiago. In social networks, people have stated that it is not correct for them to allow the entry of people with judicial problems to Chile and that if they commit crimes in Chilean territory, they are deported to their country of origin.

However, it is not necessary to present the judicial past when you are going to enter the southern country. In fact, the Chilean Undersecretary of the Interior, Juan Francisco Galli, pointed out that Ruíz entered Chile on a regular basis in 2013 as a tourist.

Due to the information we have, until now I was with a rooting order and in an irregular condition in Chile

“The detainee tried to regularize his immigration status in both 2018 and 2019, but due to having a criminal record and having been involved in crimes of robbery with surprise, that regularization was rejected. However, due to the background we have, so far he was with a rooting order and in an irregular condition in Chile, “said Undersecretary Galli.

After the capture, the prosecutor in charge of the case, Pamela Contreras, ordered to extend the period of investigation of the crimes of Ruíz Restrepo, since it is believed that two people in serious health were admitted to the San José Hospital and the Central Post Office, in Santiago , were also his victims. Until now they would be survivors and their testimonies would be key in the process against the Colombian.

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Also, the Chilean authorities are investigating Ruiz’s participation in a homicide that occurred in March in the same perimeter where the seven for which he is accused were presented.

For his part, the Minister of the Interior of Chile, Rodrigo Delgado, He expressed his consternation and that of the Chilean people at these events, and stressed the speed of the police action against this “serial murderer.”

“We are quite dismayed by this situation that affects at least six victims, four of them, people living on the street. Of course the death of a person will always be a cause of deep sadness, but when we are in the presence of a murder, with such horrible characteristics, such as serial murder, “said Minister Delgado.

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Editor of EL TIEMPO
