NEWS: Condemnation against Carlos Alberto Urbina Rojas, also known as the Monster of Facatativá


Condemnation against the Monster of Facatativá. The Attorney General’s Office announced this Friday that a judge of knowledge sentenced Carlos Alberto Urbina Rojas to 43 years and 9 months in prison for the crime of Juliana Andrea Molina Ulloa, occurred on October 1, 2019, in Facatativá, Cundinamarca.

He also called Monster of Facatativá He was declared responsible for aggravated femicide and will continue to be deprived of his liberty in a prison.

A sectional prosecutor from Cundinamarca presented videos, forensic analyzes, testimonies and probative material at trial that account for the authorship of the convicted person in the crime. The records showed that the woman was in the Urbina Rojas bar. Later, he went out and took a taxi home. After getting off the vehicle, she was approached by the man, who was traveling on a motorcycle.

Since then, the whereabouts of the young woman have been unknown. Two days later his body was found with signs of suffocation, sexual abuse and burns.

Exactly a year ago, CTI investigators from the Prosecutor’s Office captured the sentenced man in Ipiales (Nariño), at a time when he was trying to cross the border into Ecuador. Since then he has been deprived of liberty.

Condemnation against the Monster of Facatativá


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