NEWS: cases and deaths from covid in Colombia today September 9.


This Tuesday Minsalud published its most recent report on COVID-19, that’s why we tell you the new cases and deaths from covid in Colombia today September 9.

Throughout the past week there was a decrease in the number of new daily cases and deaths.

Monday was the lowest figure in months, with 5327 cases.

On Tuesday there was an increase of 2000 cases, compared to Monday

In addition, the number of recovered represents more than 78% of the total infected.

This is the lowest number of confirmed cases in recent months, but the reality may not be that there is a drastic decrease in those infected, but that the tests have dropped a bit.

Cases and deaths from covid in Colombia today, September 9

These are the figures for this Tuesday, September 9:

  • 7813 new cases
  • 225 dead
  • Today, 24,030 PCR tests and 7,813 antigens were processed
  • Active cases: 110,473

– There are 1,350 conglomerates in the country. The territories are: Amazonas, Antioquia (Ituango), Arauca, Atlántico, Barranquilla, Bogotá, Boyacá, Bolívar, Caldas, Caquetá, Cartagena, Casanare, Cauca, Cesar, Chocó, Córdoba, Cundinamarca, Huila, La Guajira, Magdalena, Meta, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Quindío, Risaralda, San Andrés, Santa Marta, Santander, Sucre, Tolima, Valle, Vaupés, Vichada, Guaviare and Guainía.

Detailed information on each case may be consulted on the website provided for this purpose by the National Institute of Health:
