NEWS: Allegedly died of coronavirus, but was found handcuffed and beaten inside coffin


Family members are dismayed and are asking for the situation to be clarified. He allegedly died of a coronavirus, but was found handcuffed and beaten inside a coffin.

The case of a man who was found inside his coffin with symptoms of torture and handcuffs, after being declared dead by coronavirus, is being investigated by the authorities.

According to the first reports, in past days Luis Iván Mejía, a 30-year-old man, was declared dead due to being infected by COVID-19.

The man who was accused of having murdered a soldier was deprived of liberty.

But everything changed the day his family received the call from the authorities, where they warned about the man’s death due to the virus. The event was registered in El Salvador.

The deceased’s sister indicated that after receiving the call, she approached the health center where her brother was, but was unable to see the body. However, they suspected that something strange was happening when they delivered the Legal Medicine opinion.

“They told us that he had died of the coronavirus and that we should not veil it or open the box, but on the paper they gave us it said something else. Furthermore, if he had died of that coronavirus, they would not have delivered it to us, but that they would have taken him from the hospital to bury, “said the sister of the deceased, as reported by Noticias Caracol.

Given the suspicions that had been generated, family members decided to open the coffin to be surprised that the deceased was handcuffed and had multiple blows.

“The body presented blows, blood was pouring from the eyes, the entire face was bloody and wrapped in a white sheet. His teeth were jumped, as if they had wanted to be ripped off, and they had not even removed the handcuffs,” said a relative .

In response to the family’s complaint, the prisoner’s managers indicated that the prisoner began to manifest the symptoms of the disease, so he was transferred to the hospital, but upon arrival, he had lost his life.

Regarding the handcuffs, they stated that they were not removed by security protocols against the virus.

At the moment they ask the Salvadoran Prosecutor’s Office to investigate the case to clarify what happened.

He allegedly died of a coronavirus, but was found handcuffed and beaten inside a coffin.

