NEWS: A thief in Bogotá was beaten and his motorcycle burned


A thief in Bogotá was beaten and his motorcycle burned. The new self-justice case was recently presented in the Villa Luz neighborhood, in Engativá. There, two criminals were arrested by the community after robbing a woman who was walking through the area. They say the criminals, on board a motorcycle, took a gold chain from him.

Immediately, several inhabitants of the community reacted not to let the bandits escape, they even beat them, but in the midst of the uproar one of them managed to escape. After the beating, the citizens set fire to the motorcycle.

“These men moved on a high-cylinder motorcycle, the community caught up with them, they physically assaulted them and burned their motorcycle”Major Miller Rojas, Engativá Police Deputy Commander, told Citytv.

The offender, after being transferred to a medical center, was at the disposal of the authorities, as the victim of the robbery reported him. For now, there are no clues of the criminal who managed to escape.

A thief in Bogotá was beaten and his motorcycle burned

Citytv revealed the images showing one of the thieves detained by the community, while the motorcycle is incinerated.


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