New York Times editorial on espionage in Colombia


He did so in an editorial that is gaining strength on the Internet because it accounts for some of the illegal activities that the Army would have carried out with journalists and opponents of the Colombian Government.

The New York Times mentions, citing The Wall Street Journal, that America’s tools included audio devices and various equipment. In addition, the same members of the intelligence unit of the National Army helped themselves with United States money.

Criticism of that medium also focuses on questioning why the same money from the United States, destined as aid to Colombia, was used to spy on American journalists, specifically Nicholas Casey of The New York Times, who a year ago revealed the order of the Army commander to revive the ‘false positives’ in the country; and Mr. Casey, reporter for The Wall Street Journal.

“It is especially irritating that the resources provided by the United States to combat drug trafficking to the United States were used to spy on American journalists. The Pentagon must also address how it oversees its aid, ”NYT questions in its editorial.

Likewise, it calls into question the credibility of President Iván Duque, who, he says, during his campaign to reach the Casa de Nariño went against the peace process because he thought he was too soft on the rebels.

“It was he (Duque) who named General Martínez Espinel as army commander last year by opposition from groups like Human Rights Watch. From 2002 to 2008, nearly 5,000 civilians or guerrillas were killed outside of combat, according to the United Nations, “says NYT.

The text also qualifies as something sad, but not surprising, that the Colombian Army has used those United States surveillance teams, which were delivered to fight the guerrillas and drug traffickers, to spy not only on journalists, but also on political opponents and public figures, as denounced by Semana magazine.

Military marching

The editorial, signed by the same newspaper, affirms that Colombia’s condition as one of the main allies of the United States in the region is at stake and demands that, for its own good and that of its future, “Colombia needs to guarantee that its Army is governed by strict rules of behavior. “

“Colombia needs to address not only the mismanagement in its Armed Forces when they are reported, but the culture of abuse and the feeling of being above the law that continues to infect the Army. It makes little sense to denounce human rights violations and at the same time appoint an officer with the story of General (Nicacio) Martínez Espinel to lead the Army, ”the New York Times sentences.

Finally, the prestigious American media ensures that the fight against the rebels cannot be a return to the civil wars that ravaged Colombia for half a century.

“That is something that President Duque, and his main foreign ally, should make clear,” he concludes.


It must be remembered that in the video that went viral on the internet, Indira detailed that she owes about 6 million pesos and commented: I have had enough of so much robbery. Here we receive nothing from the Government. The drop by drop live on us. We have to pay, but where is the money paid from u201d.


This is the video that is still viral and shows not only the despair of this woman in Choc u00f3, but in other parts of Colombia:




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When the authority required him to verify if he was included in any of the exceptions to mobilize, the man had no justification, so they imposed a summons (936,320 pesos) for not complying with the rule, According to Caracol News.


While the uniformed officers applied the sanction, the subject hit the motorcycle with gasoline from the tank and set it on fire, incinerating it, indicates a statement from the Prosecutor u00eda.


For this reason, the agents captured him and transferred him to a municipal prosecutor who charged him with the crimes as an alleged person responsible for u00a0violation of sanitary measures and violation of the curfew u00a0in this port u201d, to u00f1adi u00f3 the accusing entity.



During the charge hearing, the defendant did not accept the allegations; however, the criminal judge issued an insurance measure with a home benefit, according to the letter.


To date, the National Institute of Health (INS) reports 1,135 positive cases of COVID-19 in that department.

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But the measure will not only be brought forward due to the alleged overcharges, but also due to other apparent irregularities in the provision of funeral services for those killed by the coronavirus, SIC assured in a statement.


u201cThese actions are carried out after complaints were known [u2026] related to delays in providing the service, poor handling of the information provided to relatives of deceased persons, and additional charges, taking advantage of the health emergency decreed by the Government because of COVID-19 u201d, he explained.


In its communication, the entity also noted that it asked funeral homes to give details of the biosecurity procedures they have been implementing in pandemic-related cases.



Likewise, it reported some of the fines that funeral sites may face that are not complying with the norms and fees agreed u201 within the framework of the State of Economic, Social and Ecological Emergency, from 17 March 2020 u201d.


u201cIn case of finding any conduct that violates the rights of consumers, such as misleading or insufficient information, abusive clauses, lack of quality, suitability, security or other infraction in terms of the Consumer Statute fines of up to 2,000 SMMLV may be imposed [salarios mu00ednimos legales vigentes] u201c, stressed the Superintendency.


And he pointed out, saying that those who do not respond to their requirements, u00a0 u201d complete and u201d, They could also be fined up to a thousand minimum wages.

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Protocols have been designed so that they can regain their ability to train. It is a very limited group, we are talking about 50 athletes, approximately, who are preparing for these great competitions, President Iv u00e1n announced this Friday.


Duque assured that the example of these athletes will be used as an object of study by the Government so that these protocols are eventually applied to other disciplines.


The decision comes preceded by the claim of the former Giro d'Italia champion and the Tour of Spain, who complained about focusing the reactivation measures only on football. In addition, he assured that several cyclists were already experiencing injuries when they were forced to train only with exercise bikes.



n n Nairo Quintana n n



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The Sports Minister, Ernesto Lucena, valued the return of the cyclists to the roads and made it a priority, while saying that they would return to the streets with a lot of pedagogy and a lot of responsibility.


On the other hand, Lucena assured today that the Government anticipates that in June sportsmen who practice 16 disciplines, including cycling, will return to training sessions, whose federations gave the authorities a protocol to restart activities and that they are considered by the authorities. u201c low risk u201d.


u201cWe will analyze the low-risk, who can resume individual training, where those athletes can resume their activities, the minister said.

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Today we are going to install the special care areas; we come to inform the neighbors that they have to take special care u201d, stated the woman, who published a video on Twitter walking through the Marseille neighborhood, giving the pertinent recommendations for residents of that area of ​​the u00a0suroccidente u00a0 of the capital. u00a0


He added that the local administration will articulate with the authorities to protect people who are forced to go out. u201cWe will have positions of information and control. We have the support of the public force that will help us to do surveillance, pedagogy and disinfection in many public places u201d, pointed out Lpez. u00a0



Similarly, he mentioned that the District's priority will be for the most vulnerable population, which presents many difficulties due to quarantine for the COVID-19 pandemic. u201cWe will be with medical attention and also with attention in food, because there are people who to stay at home need us to give them something u201dsaid the president. u00a0


This Friday the mayor of the capital pointed out, in a virtual press conference, that this town of Bogot u00e1 is the most affected by the coronavirus, but not because of the number of infections, but because the pandemic circulates freely there. u00a0


u201cThere are some areas of Kennedy, inside Kennedy, that should be on orange alert, because we have confirmed epidemiological information that there is more circulation of the virus in certain neighborhoods. and zones, and those zones raise their risk level u201d, u00a0indic u00f3. u00a0


According to In the most recent government report, Kennedy has 617 cases of coronavirus, of the more than 3,000 registered in the capital, followed by Suba, with 383, and Engativ u00e1, with 319. u00a0



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Although in this case, showing love in privacy is not a crime, violating the mandatory isolation order is, and according to what the mayor and these people reported, they did not have why. Being there nor the establishment should pay attention to the public, in the San Andresito La Isla sector.


u201cTwo couples found in these establishments received a summons u201d, assured the municipal health secretary, Nelson Ballesteros, quoted in a statement of the administration.


The official explained that the operation was developed. Due to complaints they received through WhatsApp, that there are some motels serving the community u201d.


u201c We found evidence that they had been receiving customers and providing room service for hours u201d, were the details provided by Ballesteros, adding that both the customers and the two establishments did not comply with the measure. of prevention decreed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.


This type of almost unusual infractions have been registered in various areas of the country in the midst of the quarantine, and the community never tires of reporting from pot rides to clandestine parties and motel revelries.



For example, on May 5, the Police in C u00facuta had to lower the fever to 6 couples that they were in a residence in the Bocon u00f3 sector violating the confinement, and all of them were imposed their respective summons.


In Cali, I also spent two weeks ago in the Obrero neighborhood, and the Police discovered some 15 couples who were using drugs, carrying weapons and with the presence of several sex workers providing the service.

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So you read in the recent column of the communicator In week, where he dedicated other strong phrases to the vice president for having told Colombians in Caracol News: u201c It is not being attentive to see what the Government does for each one of us u201d, in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.


It is more, apart from associating the u201catenidos u201d with the rescue of the airline, D u00e1vila did it with the banks and their emporiums, because textually it manifested u00f3 in the middle: u00a0


u201cI don't know if the vice president is able to qualify with the same indifference the most powerful people who are also seeking help after the pandemic. I hope that you have the word u2018atenidos u2019 ready to support a no when asked about the rescue of the Panamanian Avianca or about the gabelas to the banks, whose owners he knows very well. I do not know if he also believes that they are u2018attended u2019 the broken builders or the industrialists who in any case have badly hit their emporiums u201d. U00a0



The journalist He also criticized in his text the "watered down excuses" that he offered after Ram u00edrez, whom she believes are now being portrayed as an "inhuman leader who does not understand the suffering of the most vulnerable," who is "part of u201c little political empathy u201d u201d, and who is u00e1 u201cpulping u201d his presidential aspirations.


And is that in your apologies, the vice president suggested that her phrase had been misinterpreted. u201cWhen I said u2018atenidos u2019 I did it in a context in which I expressed the need for each of us to act responsibly, from solidarity, protecting itself and working as a team to get ahead of this crisis. If someone was offended I made excuses, it was what trin u00f3.


Still, D u00e1vila insisted on telling him that his phrase had been u201cclasista u201d, u201a vanity-laden slap that comes from someone who's had it all u201d, and even wondered if the vice president is aware of the tragedy experienced by those who do not have what to eat, who have become unemployed or are losing their businesses.


As if she were the owner of public money and not the people who pay taxes. Como si las ayudas del Gobierno en tiempos de pandemia fueran una limosna y no una obligaciu00f3n del Estado. Como si los ciudadanos estuvieran en sus casas por decisiu00f3n propia y no por orden del Gobierno que ella representa. Lo que hizo Ramu00edrez no tiene defensa y es reprochable. [u2026] Insults them [a los ciudadanos] ante su dolor y con voz de mando rancio los conmina a trabajar, como si fueran unos zu00e1nganos que no tienen voluntad para laboraru201d, puntualizu00f3 la comunicadora en la revista.u00a0u00a0

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La Cancilleru00eda informu00f3 queu00a0Sanidad Portuaria, la Cruz Roja y la Secretaru00eda de Salud del Distrito estuvieron encargados de la evaluaciu00f3n mu00e9dica de los retornados, cuyos resultados no han trascendido hasta el momento.


Asimismo, aseguru00f3 que Migraciu00f3n Colombia, la Policu00eda Nacional o la Secretaru00eda de Salud del Distrito se encargaru00e1n de vigilar el cumplimiento obligatorio del confinamiento.


No obstante, el comunicado tambiu00e9n detallu00f3 que, aunque se tratu00f3 de un vuelo humanitario concertado con Avianca, los reciu00e9n llegados tuvieron que correr con el gasto del tiquete au00e9reo.



n n Pasajero duerme en el suelo del aeropuerto El Dorado durante la pandemia de COVID-19n n



Artu00edculo relacionado


Van 2.271 colombianos repatriados durante la pandemia, pero los que faltan son 4 veces mu00e1s



  • n n
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  • n




De hecho algunos de los connacionales que regresaban dijeron a Telemundo que el precio fue de casi el doble de lo habitual y dijeron que el Gobierno colombiano se limitu00f3 a autorizar la entrada de su vuelo.


El representante a la cu00e1mara Juan David Vu00e9lez mostru00f3 el itinerario de las pru00f3ximas llegadas hasta el 17 de mayo:



  • Mayo 9, Brasil.
  • n

  • Mayo 10, Ecuador y Repu00fablica Dominicana.
  • n

  • Mayo 12, Orlando, EE.UU..
  • n

  • Mayo 13, Los u00c1ngeles, EE.UU.
  • n

  • Mayo 14, Brasil.
  • n

  • Mayo 15, Mu00e9xico.
  • n

  • Mayo 16, Argentina y Chile.
  • n

  • Mayo 17, India y Australia.
  • n




El ministerio de relaciones exteriores agregu00f3 que hasta este viernes ya son u00b4mas de 3.000 los colombianos que han regresado al pau00eds durante la pandemia en 28 vuelos humanitarios. Tan solo esta semana se informu00f3 que regresaron 146 de Argentina, 178 del Reino Unido y 192 de Miami, Estados Unidos.

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Sin embargo, deju00f3 claro que el Gobierno no emitiru00e1 ningu00fan decreto para que las empresas den por hecho que pueden aplazar el pago de la prima legal que debe pagarse en junio pru00f3ximo.


Para Cabrera, hay empresas que cuentan con la caja suficiente para pagarles este derecho a los trabajadores, pero tambiu00e9n hay otras que se han visto mu00e1s impactadas y no pueden cumplirles.


u201cEstamos evaluando la posibilidad, no de que les quiten la prima, porque ese es un derecho adquirido. Lo que puede pasar es que se puede pagar mu00e1s adelanteu201d, seu00f1alu00f3 el funcionario a la revista Semana.


CM&, por su parte, asegura que el ministro Cabrera afirmu00f3 que las primas son un derecho legal de los trabajadores y que solo mediante acuerdos con cada empleado podru00edan definirse los pagos.



n n Trabajadorn n



Artu00edculo relacionado


Se podru00eda embolatar la prima de trabajadores en Colombia con esta peticiu00f3n al Gobierno



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  • n




La discusiu00f3n en torno al pago de primas cobru00f3 fuerza en las u00faltimas horas por la propuesta de la Andi de aplazar el mismo para fin de au00f1o.


u201cLos trabajadores pueden aceptar que se aplacen los pagos para permitir los flujos de caja de las empresas, se extienden el tiempo y permitan la preservaciu00f3n de los puestos de trabajou201d, explicu00f3 el vicepresidente de Asuntos Juru00eddicos de la Andi, Alberto Echavarru00eda, en una sesiu00f3n virtual con el Congreso.

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El contacto se produjo al final de una reuniu00f3n informativa entre futbolistas, integrantes del cuerpo tu00e9cnico y Ramu00f3n Jesuru00fan, presidente de la Federaciu00f3n Colombiana de Fu00fatbol.


De entrada, u2018Juanpisu2019 hizo gala de su pedanteru00eda al reu00edrse de los nombres de los jugadores que estaban conectados:


u201cYo iba a llamar lista, pero esto parece un salu00f3n de Soacha: Juan, Yerry, Frank, Jeison, Stefan, Wilmaru2026 u00a1Nos van atracar!u201d.



n n Faustino Asprillan n



Artu00edculo relacionado


Revelan nombres de fiesta en hotel tras el 5-0; u201cyo le peguu00e9 al pelucheu201d: Asprilla



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Luego, se encargu00f3 de varios de los referentes del plantel. Acu00e1, sus graciosas intervenciones:


u201cFalcao, u00bf4 hijos? Tocaru00e1 decirle u2018el Conejou2019, no u2018el Tigreu2019u201d.


u201cProfe Queiroz, bienvenido a esta Selecciu00f3n, a este muladar, a este pau00edsu201d.


u201cSanti Arias,u00a0el blanco bonito de acu00e1, el decente de la Selecciu00f3nu201d.


u201cYerry Mina, lo u00fanico pobre que tenemos usted y yo es la barba. Nos salen mu00e1s pelos por Chicago, por Detroitu201d.


u201cStefan Medina, fresco que yo no se la voy a montar, usted es blanco, todo bienu201d.


u201cMario Yepes [asistente logu00edstico], u00bfquu00e9 hace en la reuniu00f3n? Usted ya se retiru00f3u2026 Quu00e9 lamboneru00eda. Ya renuncie, parece el man que nunca ha superado el colegiou201d.


En video, el jocoso momento:


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u201dSoy el presidente mu00e1s futbolero que ha tenido el pau00edsu201d: Duque, chicaneando","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Ivu00e1n Duque"}]},{"id":"PP895675","titles":{"main":"40 au00f1os de cu00e1rcel a alias u2018el Enfermerou2019, por practicar abortos forzados en Farc y Eln","facebook":"Varias menores de edad.","seo":"Condena u2018el Enfermerou2019, que practicaba abortos forzados en Farc y Eln"},"phrases":{"main":"La pena la anunciu00f3 la Fiscalu00eda este viernes, tras demostrar que Hu00e9ctor Albeidis Arboleda Buitrago incurriu00f3 "en graves conductas contra los Derechos Humanosu201d."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/condena-enfermero-que-practicaba-abortos-forzados-farc-eln-PP895675"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"jimena.martinez","name":"Jimena 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Segu00fan el Juzgado Segundo Especializado Itinerante de Pereira, u2018el Enfermerou2019 es u201cresponsable de los delitos de aborto forzado en persona protegida y tortura en persona protegida cometidos en concurso homogu00e9neou201d.


u201cEl abundante material probatorio recopilado por un fiscal de la Direcciu00f3n Especializada contra las Violaciones a los Derechos Humanos evidenciu00f3 que Arboleda Buitrago delinquiu00f3 entre 1997 a 2004, en los departamentos de Risaralda, Caldas, Antioquia, Chocu00f3 y Valle del Caucau201c, agregu00f3 la informaciu00f3n.


Entre 40 de sus vu00edctimas, que dieron su testimonio a la Fiscalu00eda, hay menores de edad, algunas de ellas de la comunidad indu00edgena Embera Chamu00ed y de grupos afrodescendientes.


u201cTodas las declaraciones coincidieron en seu00f1alar que: alias u2018el Enfermerou2019 se vendu00eda al mejor postor. Actuaba como un u2018mercenariou2019 que interrumpu00eda indiscriminadamente embarazos con el u00fanico fin de obtener un lucro, una ganancia producto del dolor y de poner en grave riesgo la vida de las mujeresu201d, detallu00f3 la Fiscalu00eda.



El 9 de marzo de 2017, u2018el Enfermerou2019 llegu00f3 a Colombia extraditado de Espau00f1a como consecuencia de la formalizaciu00f3n del pedido hecho por la Fiscalu00eda General de la Naciu00f3n ante el Gobierno espau00f1ol el 4 de marzo de 2016.


Arboleda tiene una enfermedad degenerativa y saliu00f3 de su pau00eds en 2005 para pedir asilo en Espau00f1a, que le fue denegado, aunque au00f1os despuu00e9s obtuvo la nacionalidad espau00f1ola.


En 2015 se le detuvo en Madrid y fue puesto luego en libertad en espera de la vista de extradiciu00f3n, pero, una vez que la Audiencia Nacional accediu00f3 a su entrega, se le volviu00f3 a detener para evitar que se fugara.

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Lo hizo en un editorial que cobra fuerza en Internet porque da cuenta de algunas de las actividades ilegales que habru00eda ejecutado el Eju00e9rcito con periodistas y opositores del Gobierno colombiano.


New York Times menciona, citando al periu00f3dico The Wall Street Journal, que las herramientas de Estados Unidos incluu00edan dispositivos de audio y varios equipos. Ademu00e1s, los mismos miembros de la unidad de inteligencia del Eju00e9rcito Nacional se ayudaron con dinero de Estados Unidos.


La cru00edtica de ese medio se centra tambiu00e9n en cuestionar por quu00e9 se usu00f3 el mismo dinero de Estados Unidos, que se destina como ayuda a Colombia, para espiar a periodistas norteamericanos, puntualmente a Nicholas Casey de The New York Times, que un au00f1o atru00e1s revelu00f3 la orden del comandante del Eju00e9rcito que reviviru00eda los u2018falsos positivosu2019 en el pau00eds; y Sr. Casey, reportero para The Wall Street Journal.


u201cEs especialmente irritante que los recursos suministrados por los Estados Unidos para combatir el tru00e1fico de drogas a los Estados Unidos se usaran para espiar a los periodistas estadounidenses. El Pentu00e1gono tambiu00e9n debe abordar cu00f3mo supervisa su ayudau201d, cuestiona NYT en su editorial.


Asu00ed mismo, pone en tela de juicio la credibilidad del presidente Ivu00e1n Duque, que, afirma, durante su campau00f1a para llegar a la Casa de Nariu00f1o se fue en contra del proceso de paz porque pensu00f3 que era demasiado blando con los rebeldes.


u201cFue u00e9l (Duque) quien nombru00f3 al general Martu00ednez Espinel como comandante del eju00e9rcito el au00f1o pasado por la oposiciu00f3n de grupos como Human Rights Watch. De 2002 a 2008, cerca de 5,000 civiles o guerrilleros fueron asesinados fuera del combate, segu00fan las Naciones Unidasu201d, afirma NYT.


El texto tambiu00e9n califica como algo triste, pero poco sorprendente, que el Eju00e9rcito de Colombia haya usado esos equipos de vigilancia de Estados Unidos, los cuales fueron entregados para combatir a las guerrillas y a los narcotraficantes, para espiar no solo a periodistas, sino tambiu00e9n a opositores polu00edticos y figuras pu00fablicas, como lo denunciu00f3 la revista Semana.



n n Militares marchandon n



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El editorial, firmado por el mismo periu00f3dico, afirma que la condiciu00f3n que tiene Colombia como uno de los principales aliados de Estados Unidos en la regiu00f3n estu00e1 en juego y exige que, por su bien y el de su futuro, u201cColombia necesita garantizar que su Eju00e9rcito se rige por estrictas reglas de comportamientou201d.


u201cColombia necesita abordar no solo los malos manejos en sus Fuerzas Armadas cuando se denuncien, sino la cultura del abuso y la sensaciu00f3n de estar por encima de la ley que sigue infectando al Eju00e9rcito. Tiene poco sentido denunciar las violaciones de los derechos humanos y al mismo tiempo nombrar a un oficial con la historia del general (Nicacio) Martu00ednez Espinel para dirigir el Eju00e9rcitou201d, sentencia el New York Times.


Finalmente, el prestigioso medio estadounidense asegura que la lucha contra los rebeldes no puede ser un regreso a las guerras civiles que asolaron a Colombia durante medio siglo.


u201cEso es algo que el presidente Duque, y su principal aliado extranjero, deberu00eda dejar en clarou201d, concluye.

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