New normal: Recommendations if you plan to travel this weekend in Colombia – People – Culture


Since September 1, the new normal allows citizens to travel again on the country’s roads and visit different cities and municipalities. However, you must take into account the measures and protocols that must be respected in this new phase.

For example, the governor of Cundinamarca, Nicolás García Bustos, announced that during this weekend a greater follow-up will be carried out in the mobility and entrance to the municipalities of the department and there are 26 that will not allow tourists to enter.

(You may be interested in: Coronavirus: airline measures for domestic flights).

“We hope that everything works normally, but if we show non-compliance or the risk to the health of the people of Cundinamarca, starting next week we will have restrictive measures, which may include the ‘peak and plate’ to enter some municipalities,” said the Governor Garcia.

So what should those who want to travel safely do?

Steps to follow

In the first place, travelers must verify the municipalities that will be closed due to the epidemiological monitoring that is being carried out in some areas of the country.

Those who are in Bogotá and want to go somewhere in Cundinamarca have to bear in mind that, Until new order, you will not be able to enter: Agua de Dios, Bojacá, Cajicá, Cáqueza, Cota, El Rosal, Facatativá, Funza, Fusagasugá, Gachancipá, Girardot, Medina, Mosquera, Nemocón, Nilo, Pacho, Paratebueno, Puerto Salgar, Ricaurte, Silvania, Soacha, Tabio, Tocancipá, Ubalá, Vianí and Zipaquirá.

(Also: See the UNWTO guidelines for reopening tourism in the world).

Although it must be made clear that in these municipalities the economic reactivation has already begun.

(If you visit us from the app see the publication here).

Similarly, if your plan is to visit the country’s beaches, you must take into account the mandatory biosecurity protocol for these places.

According to the Ministry of Health, each mayor’s office is responsible for “having the necessary infrastructure, coordinating the actors in compliance with the protocol and providing personal protection elements to workers.”

(Read on: Video: the curious motel biosecurity protocol in Barranquilla).

In addition, there must be a minimum distance of two meters between the tents, beds or hammocks

Similarly, workers and tourists must make mandatory use of masks while out of the water.

In a document issued by the Ministry it is stipulated that “A protocol for cleaning and disinfecting hands must be established for entry, the consumption of tobacco and alcoholic beverages is restricted, taking into account that the opening hours of the beach will be from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm, and Meetings and crowds are prohibited in beach areas. ”

For those who travel from transport terminals, it is important to bear in mind that the use of a mask will be mandatory, the rules of social distancing must be complied with in common areas and the capacity of waiting rooms will be controlled.

Likewise, the buses will go with 50% of their capacity and the entity recommends not to use a cell phone or consume food during the trip.

In the meantime, if you want to travel by air, the main thing is to consider which routes are available and with which airlines. It is worth noting that the vast majority of activated routes correspond to national routes.

Also, one of the main protocols for various national destinations is have covid-19 antigen test (it must have been negative, of course). It is also required that you have CoronaApp installed, the Government application with recommendations and monitoring of the coronavirus outlook in Colombia.

Return domestic flights

Since September, domestic flights have resumed.

Remember to have the corresponding biosecurity protocols: constant hand washing and face masks. This last element is essential to move from one side of the country to the other.

Also, both at departure and destination airports there will be temperature taking in order to measure your health.

And, just as in the ‘old normal’, you need to plan your route in advance so that, after purchasing the ticket, you can take care of the new rules for the trip, such as the rigorous care of your health and the measures taken by national destination sites.

