New cases of coronavirus in the Bogotá Police


The Police stations in which the cases were detected are located in the towns of Kennedy and Fontibón. The information was released by the Bogota Ombudsman Office, which ensures that in an initial rapid test 7 detainees tested positive for COVID-19, in the latter town.

At Kennedy, 4 more agents are isolated, pending results and evolution; while it was confirmed that a uniformed man is in the ICU of the Police Hospital.

The personería’s call is for the authorities to take action for the overcrowding in the police stations of the capital.

“Average overcrowding at stations is 145%. In Kennedy it is 140% and Fontibón 110%. San Cristóbal has an over-occupation of 493% and Los Mártires 420% ”, the Personería reported in a statement.

In addition to this, the entity makes a call because, it affirms, the police officers are not wearing the masks at the stations or adopting preventive measures. “They must set an example or be investigated,” says the Personería.

National Police

“Despite the delivery of some biosecurity elements in various stations by the District, health conditions remain precarious,” warns that control body.

Even the Personería goes further and demands that the National Government take rapid and substantive measures such as enabling temporary centers and authorizing the District to build a new prison.

Finally, he points out that the greeting personnel who are visiting the police stations also do not have the necessary elements to protect themselves.

Police alarms are still on after a mayor with COVID-19 was diagnosed this Saturday. The number of infections is advancing, as indicated by the controlling entity.


In the video it is observed how the 4 fishermen, once on the beach, coordinate to as u00ed free the great shark from the net and even flip it over and push it into the sea, after which they shout excitedly for the act that, immediately, allowed the fish to enter the waters of the Colombian Caribbean again.



This species of aquatic animal u201ces the largest shark in the world u201d and u201cel the largest fish in the sea u201d, and its presence u201c works as an indicator of the health of the ocean and ecosystems u201d, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) portal points out.


u201c Very high prices are paid for their guts, meat and oil. u00a0 Demand in international markets is high and whale sharks continue to be fished to meet this demand, especially in those areas where they are fished u00edas are not regulated or the regulations are not followed u201d, specifies that international organization.


For these reasons, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), this species of shark is on the verge of extinction, WWF quote.

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u201cWe have been for more than a month without receiving any support from the National Government to be able to support with more markets u201d, assured the president in RCN News, this weekend.


There was also a highlight of the "huge effort u201d that Bogot u00e1 has made to give u201c125,000 markets throughout the city u201c and almost 500,000 monetary aid u201d, in addition to re-refer to the subject discount on public services.


u201cWe need more government support u201d, added Claudia L u00f3pez in the newsletter, justifying that it is not that all the people who are not complying with the quarantine in the capital do so because they want to.



u201cThere is a problem of indiscipline, but also of need u201d, said the mayor and explained that these citizens go out to dig for money to eat, pay the rent and meet other obligations that do not wait.


These statements of the president were given in the midst of a balance that she made about his visit this Saturday to Kennedy, where decret u00f3 alert orange and took action because it is the town with the most COVID-19.

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Upon arrival in the Bol? Uvar state of the neighboring country, the Boston Wheeler model boats armed with .50 and M60 machine guns were found by the Venezuelan National Guard (GNB), so Nicol u00e1s Maduro, in an address , He said that he will return them immediately on the condition that President Ivou Duque ask for it through a formal request., Caracol Radio reported.


u201cThe current brought those three speedboats with all their weapons to Venezuela and u00a0they were immediately hooked and taken to a safe harbor u201d, Maduro said in his speech, according to the station.


It is worth mentioning that, according to information from the Colombian Navy, during the morning of last Saturday, May 9, the Venezuelan navy confirmed that they had found the boats, and proceeded to communicate that these would be handed over again once the authorization of the superior command had been given, that is to say, of Nicolás Maduro.



n n Nicolu00e1s Maduro n n



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The events with the launches were presented just after Maduro denounced to the world a military invasion from Colombia to revoke it, and that it resulted in the arrest of three u201cmercenarios u201d, apart from the more than 30 captured by that alleged plan and who were charged with terrorism.


The plan, according to the Maduro government, He was looking for the u201ccaptura, arrest and removal u20f3n u201d of the socialist president and the u201cinstalaci u00f3n u201d of the opposition leader Juan Guaid u00f3, recognized as the president in charge of Venezuela for fifty countries, led by the United States.

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u201c u00a1My best gift not only in this month of mothers, but in the time that God gives me to live will be to always remember you with all my love that you sowed in me! ud83e udd0d u201d, expressed the couple of the humorist of u2018S u00e1bado happy u2019.


Later, he also told her of the great love he has for his son, despite the fact that couldn't carry him in her arms, and revealed the way he calls it now that he is in heaven. u00a0


u201c I love you, my baby u00e9 u00e1ngel ud83d udc7c ud83c udffb ud83e udd0d u201d, Eliana wrote in the emotional u2018post u2019, which accompanied by a photograph in which she is with her eyes closed, smelling some white roses.



This is the second son that u2018Boyacom u00e1n u2019 and his girlfriend lose, because last year they also went through that painful moment.


Eliana's post in Mother's Day u00a0 has more than five thousand u2018I like u2019, as well as dozens of messages of support for her, and we share it below:





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Sarmiento, says Coronell in your recent column, u201cno is an expert in digital communication, but a logistical organizer of events u201d.


u201cGet pallets, handle sound and lights, operate the video wall, hand out the sodas and make everything work at a concert or fair. That is no small feat, but it does not make him an expert in digital communication, he adds.


It also points out that man has had a relationship with former president u00c1lvaro Uribe V u00e9lezWell, he was one of those who organized his democratic workshops for him. It is more, the image that Coronell published within his text in Los Danieles is of u2018Pipo u2019, in profile, in one of those events.


Foto de Pedro Sarmiento Charry, 'Pipo', representante de Du Brands SAS, publicada por Daniel Coronell.
Photo by Pedro Sarmiento Charry, 'Pipo', representative of Du Brands SAS, published by Daniel Coronell.

In the details about the visible face of said company, the journalist also mentions that his relationship with the firm could be more than just working as a representative.


Du Brands has known that for five months it has been controlled by another SAS called Grace of the Father SAS. The change of control was made on December 30, 2019 u2013 u00bfwhy would you like both to reform companies in festive periods? U2013 and the capital of Gracia del Padre, just 10 million pesos at the time it was founded in 2017, was u2018Pipo u2019 and Alejandra Helena de la Hoz Moreno for halves. It is not possible to know if it continues like this or if it has changed, he explained.



n n Daniel Coronell, periodista, e Ivu00e1n Duque, presidente de Colombia. n n



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This is not the first time that the name of u2018Pipo u2019 has surfaced in the media after learning of the contract to improve the image of President Duque on social networks. U00a0


Blu Radio also mentioned it in notes where it refers to the money that the Government has given to Du Brands, beyond the 3,350 million pesos for the project of the image of the Colombian president, which u00a0Presidential Communications Advisor Hassan Nassar denied that he was paid with resources for the coronavirus, since the services of this firm have been provided for 2 years and focus on doing all the digital communication of the Casa de Nari u00f1o.


u201cThese added contracts exceed 27.00 million pesos. That without counting that, according to sources consulted by Blu Radio, this company legally represented by Pedro Javier Sarmiento Charry, It will also have contracts with the Ministry of Transport, the Department for Social Prosperity, RTVC, the Icfes, the Comptroller and the Ministry of Foreign Relations. u201d, the station wrote this week, after publishing images of contracts between Du Brands and Fontur and the Peace Fund, among other entities.

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The theme is brought up by u2018youtuber u2019 Daniel Samper Ospina in his most recent video. The head of state brought Dr. Lina as a great voice to speak about the coronavirus.


In one chapter, for example, he invited a vaginal plastic surgeon, as a great scientific voice ( u2026) an expert in vaginal rejuvenation, u201d says Samper, and questions whether this happened with the idea to add u201cpicantico u201d to the president's TV show and gain more rating.


On the resume Dr. Triana highlights that she is a plastic surgeon from the Universidad del Valle in Cali, a specialist in plastic surgery in Brazil, and also an expert in medicine for the management of age at the Cenegenics Medical Institute. , and vaginal rejuvenation and design of the Rejuvenation Institute of America, United States.



n n Claudia Lu00f3pez, alcaldesa de Bogotu00e1. n n



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Despite Samper Ospina's criticism, the doctor currently leads the Colombian Association of Scientific Societies, made up of 64 professional health organizations and their respective specialties, describes the FM.


Dr. Triana, in addition, began her administration in the Association since last April and her management will run until 2022. According to her, her work is focused on the union of the health sectors on topics such as excellence, humanism and responsibility.


u201cAlso related to medical leadership, undergraduate and graduate teaching, research, continuing medical education, recertification, patient care and service quality u201d, u00f1al u00f3 Triana when he assumed his position in the Association, last April.


This is the video (minute 2:30) of Samper criticizing Lina Triana's participation in the Duque program:




n "," commercial ": {" promoted ": {" name ":" "," slug ":" "," color ":" "," facebook ":" "," image ":" "," imageletter ":" "," imageblack ":" "}}," directtv ": {" mobile ":" "," desktop ":" "," link ":" "}," Custom_fields ": {" Directv " : "", "Promoted": ""}, "you can also interest":[{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"/nacion/cuarentena-claudia-lopez-nego-que-gobierno-duque-haya-dado-mercados-PP895966","title":"Nuevo u2018mensajitou2019 de Lu00f3pez al Gobierno por falta de apoyo para afectados por cuarentena","author":"","author_img":"","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Drama en Bogotu00e1: desalmados arrojan pertenencias de inquilina y la sacan con sus 3 hijos","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Mamu00e1 desalojada con sus hijos, en Bogotu00e1"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Se las llevu00f3 el ru00edo: curiosa versiu00f3n de Colombia sobre lanchas halladas en Venezuela","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Nicolu00e1s Maduro e Ivu00e1n Duque"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Le mutilaron mano de un machetazo por coqueto y en 14 horas los mu00e9dicos se la salvaron","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Mu00e9dicos salvan mano de venezolano agredido en Bucaramanga"}]}, {"id": "PP893486", "titles": {"main": "Maluma's mom remembered the singer's mischief that ended up with plastic surgery on her face", "facebook ":" The country is not the only one who was mischievous when he was a child; some of his colleagues are not left behind, according to stories from their mothers. "," Seo ":" Mammas de Maluma, J Balvin and Carlos Vives tell their antics "}," phrases ": {" main ":" The mothers of this and other artists, including Carlos Vives and J Balvin, told Pulzo of their stories and moments that they filled them with pride. "}," categories ": {" main ": {" slug ":" entertainment "," name ":" Entertainment "}}," urls ": {" main ":" / entertainment /mamas-maluma-j-balvin-carlos-vives-ccounn-travesuras-los-PP893486">,,author": specify"creator":........................................,":"mateo.coral","name":"Mateo Coral "}," owner ": {" id ":" "," name ":" "," image ":" "," profile ":" "," url ":" "," twitter ": {" title ":" "," url ":" "}," urlFacebook ":" "," email ":" "," linkPersonal ":" "," teamPulzo ":" "," short_text ":" "," large_tex t ":" "}}," published ":" 1 "," type ":" video "," censorship ":" 0 "," unpublishImage ":" 0 "," ext ":" jpg "," created ": 1589102386," updated ": 1589102674," images ": {" meta ": {" title ":" Celebrity moms "," credit ":" Pulzo "," description ":" J's mum u00e1s Balvin, Sebasti u00e1n Yatra, Maluma, Carlos Viven, Fonseca, Goyo and Gusi "," alt ":" Mam u00e1s de Celebs "," file ":" https: / / / images / 20200506140601 /captura-de-pantalla-2020-05-06-a-las-1-51-57-pm.webp "}," types ": {" thumb ":" https: / / d2yoo3qu6vrk5d / images / 20200506140601 /captura-de-pantalla-2020-05-06-a-las-1-51-57-pm-150x150.webp "," mobile ":" https: / / / images / 20200506140601 /captura-de-pantalla-2020-05-06-a-las-1-51-57-pm-280x185.webp "," medio ":" https : / / / images / 20200506140601 /captura-de-pantalla-2020-05-06-a-las-1-51-57-pm-420x278.webp "," large " : "https: / / / images / 20200506140601 / screenshot-2020-05-06-a-las-1-51-5 7-pm-900x485.webp "," vertical ":" https: / / / images / 20200506140601 / screenshot-2020-05-06-at-1 -51-57-pm-240x320.webp "," opening ":" https: / / / images / 20200506140601 / screenshot-2020-05-06-a- las-1-51-57-pm-592x350.webp "," gif ":" "}}," videos ": {" main ": {" image ":" http: / / / vi / RdNfRtKyvDE /hqdefault.jpg "," url ":" https: / / / embed / RdNfRtKyvDE "," title ":" "," embeded ":""}}," externalUrl ":" "," carousel ":" 1 "," trinoTW ":" Mam u00e1s de @maluma @JBALVIN @carlosvives @gusi @GOYOCQT @SebastianYatra @Fonseca tell their mischief and moments that the they filled with pride. "," liveBlog ":" 0 "," shorthand ":" "," audio ":" https: / / / pulzo-lite / audios /PP893486.mp3 "," tags ":["Du00eda de la madre","J Balvin","Maluma","Video"], "sources":[], "related":[], "body2": " n n

Alba Mery V u00e1squez, Adela Giraldo, Ana Marcela Carrera, Aracelly Restrepo, Marlli Arias, Patricia Jaramillo and Nelfa Perea, are the mothers of J Balvin (or u2018Josecito u2019, as she tells him), Sebasti u00e1n Yatra, Fonseca, Carlos Vives, Maluma, u2018Gusi u2019, u2018Goyo u2019 and u2018Slow u2019, respectively.


In the video that opens this note, they all related childhood memories and important moments of their children's careers and personal lives, which include from u00a0a bet and a u2018pela u2019 to a case of depression and the u2018volada u2019 from one of the famous because he believed he was a superhero.

n "," commercial ": {" promoted ": {" name ":" "," slug ":" "," color ":" "," facebook ":" "," image ":" "," imageletter ":" "," imageblack ":" "}}," directtv ": {" mobile ":" "," desktop ":" "," link ":" "}," Custom_fields ": {" Directv " : "", "Promoted": ""}, "you can also interest":[{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Actor colombiano denuncia a banco por desapariciu00f3n de millonaria suma de su cuenta","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Bancos en Colombia, imagen de referencia."},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Marina Granziera aclara que su esposo no es el hijo de Javier Hernu00e1ndez Bonnet","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Juan Pablo Hernu00e1ndez y Marina Granziera"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Aura C. Geithner dio clase de seducciu00f3n en mini 'babydoll' y acariciando su cuerpo","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Aura Cristina Geithner"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Desconocido drama de Danna Garcu00eda en u2018Pasiu00f3n de Gavilanesu2019: u201cNo encontru00e9 una familiau201d","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Danna Garcu00eda"}], "idYoutube": "RdNfRtKyvDE"}, {"id": "PP895944", "titles": {"main": "The macabre u201ccriterio u201c selected u201c its false positives, according to u00fan u00c1kerman "," facebook ":" Being indigenous, homosexual or low-income, some of the 'requirements', denounces the journalist. "," seo ":" This is how they selected La Popa in the battalion avu00edctimas de falsos positivos: u00c1kerman"},"phrases":{"main":"El periodista lamenta cu00f3mo en el Batallu00f3n La Popa, en Valledupar, se habru00edan "escogido" a las vu00edctimas que luego eran presentadas como guerrilleros abatidos."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{" main":"/nacion/asi-seleccionaban-batallon-popa-victimas-falsos-positivos-akerman-PP895944"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"jesus.avila"," name":"Jesus Avila"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":""," twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","s hort_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":1589100434,"updated":1589100843,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Apareciu00f3 masiva fosa comu00fan con falsos positivos.","credit":"Revista Semana","description":"Apareciu00f3 masiva fosa comu00fan con falsos positivos.","alt":"Apareciu00f3 masiva fosa comu00fan con falsos positivos.","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":""," opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["Chuzadas","Ejecuciones extrajudiciales","Eju00e9rcito Nacional","Falsos Positivos","Valledupar"],"sources":[{"title":"Crimen y no castigo","url":"","source":"El Espectador"},{"title":"Las tres fases de los u201cfalsos positivosu201d del Batallu00f3n La Popa","url":"","source":"El Espectador"}],"related":["",""],"body2":"nn

En su columna en El Espectador, Yohir u00c1kerman se remite a un documento del 20 de enero pasado, al cual ese periu00f3dico ya se habu00eda referido en un artu00edculo del 14 de abril, y que narra -segu00fan el columnista- u201cdiez elementos que demuestran que las vu00edctimas del Eju00e9rcito para los falsos positivos eran cuidadosamente escogidas y seleccionadas por determinados rasgosu201d.



n n Imagen de referencia del Eju00e9rcito / Maru00eda Jimena Duzu00e1nn n



Artu00edculo relacionado


u201cEju00e9rcito considera que somos pendejos que creeremos su cuentazou201d: Duzu00e1n sobre chuzadas



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Se trata de un informe que, de acuerdo con u00c1kerman, fue presentado a la JEP por el Colectivo Josu00e9 Alvear Restrepo (CAJAR) y el Comitu00e9 de Solidaridad con los Presos Polu00edticos, luego de que esas organizaciones escucharan 40 versiones de 32 exintegrantes del Batallu00f3n La Popa donde se reseu00f1an u201c146 vu00edctimas que habru00edan sido ejecutadas extrajudicialmente entre 2002 y 2005u201d.


u201cEl criterio de selecciu00f3n para las muertesu201d, dice el periodista en su artu00edculo de opiniu00f3n, incluu00eda u201ccosas tan simples como estar indocumentado, tener antecedentes, ser menor de edad o de bajos recursos, como recicladores y habitantes de la calleu201d.


En esa u201cselecciu00f3nu201d, continu00faa el columnista, se incluu00eda a indu00edgenas, personas seu00f1aladas de ser guerrilleros o desmovilizados, discapacitados y comunidad LGBTI.


Y respecto de lo u00faltimo, el opinador enfatiza en el testimonio entregado por un militar el 7 de diciembre de 2007 en Valledupar, quien u201cconfesu00f3 que ejecutaron a un joven que se les acercu00f3 a hablar, simplemente porque se veu00eda u201ccomo gayu201d. El objetivo, vaya novedad, era presentarlo despuu00e9s como un guerrillero muerto en combateu201d.


Pero u00c1kerman va mu00e1s allu00e1 e incluso relaciona estos hechos con la investigaciu00f3n que la revista Semana publicu00f3 el pasado 1 de mayo y en la que seu00f1ala al mencionado colectivo de abogados entre las organizaciones que habru00edan sido seguidas ilegalmente por miembros del Eju00e9rcito.


Segu00fan el comunicador, u201cel Eju00e9rcito estaba perfilando, espiando y chuzandou201d al CAJAR u201cpara saber la estrategia de defensa de las vu00edctimas de los falsos positivosu201d.



n n CPIn n



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Quejas por chuzadas del Eju00e9rcito llegan a uno de los mu00e1s importantes tribunales del mundo



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Pero ademu00e1s, en su columna, u00c1kerman insiste en la pregunta de u201cquiu00e9n o quiu00e9nes han sido los receptores de esta informaciu00f3n ilegalu201d y, acto seguido, llama la atenciu00f3n sobre la u201ccercanau201d amistad entre la senadora Maru00eda Fernanda Cabal y su esposo, Josu00e9 Fu00e9lix Lafaurie, con el coronel Publio Hernu00e1n Meju00eda Gutiu00e9rrez, quien era comandante del citado batallu00f3n cuando ocurrieron los falsos positivos mencionados.


Finally, the journalist remembers that el expresidente u00c1lvaro Uribe manifestu00f3, en su momento, su apoyo al coronel Meju00eda por el libro que este escribiu00f3 en el 2016 desde prisiu00f3n, donde el militar purga una condena de 19 au00f1os de cu00e1rcel por alianzas con el paramilitarismo.

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Mientras el docente Humberto de la Cruz estaba dando su explicaciu00f3n a los estudiantes, a travu00e9s de la plataforma de videollamada Zoom; a uno de sus alumnos se le dio por sabotearlo, aprovechando su avanzada edad.u00a0u00a0


u201cProfesor, no lo escucho bien, pulseu00a0Ctrlu00a0+ F4 para activar el micru00f3fonou201d, le indicu00f3 el adolescente. Sin embargo, se trataba de una mentira.u00a0u00a0



Al seguir las indicaciones del estudiante, el profesor terminu00f3 cerrando la ventana del navegador, por lo que todos los alumnos se quedaron riendo mientras que el maestro no sabu00eda quu00e9 habu00eda pasado.u00a0u00a0


En ese momento fue auxiliado por su hijo, quien le explicu00f3 lo ocurrido y fue el que viralizu00f3 el video, acompau00f1ado por un contundente mensaje.u00a0


u201cCon mucha paciencia mi hermana y yo le hemos ayudado. Somos su u2018staffu2019 de colaboradores, atentos a cualquier imprevisto, como para que vengan unos hijos deu00a0pu2026u00a0y le hagan algo como estou201d, escribiu00f3.u00a0


Por ahora, la instituciu00f3n no ha emitido un pronunciamiento oficial, but el portalu00a0Yahoou00a0Noticias informu00f3 queu00a0u201clos estudiantes ya presentaron sus disculpas al profesor y a la comunidad universitariau201d.











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Dehiby Rodru00edguez pagaba 150.000 pesos mensuales de arriendo en le barrio Cazuca, sur de la ciudad, pero en este u00faltimo mes no pudo reunir esa plata porque no pudo salir a vender tintos, que es de lo que vive, le contu00f3 a Noticias RCN.


Por lo mismo, los propietarios de la vivienda le arrojaron las pertenencias a la calle y, dijo Rodru00edguez en el noticiero, y se las dau00f1aron todas.


u201cNos dau00f1aron las cositas. They [los propietarios] desarmaron todo, tiraron todo porque yo no puedo hacer fuerza, no podu00eda mover nadau201d, dijo la afectada, que quedu00f3 en la calle con sus 3 hijos.



La mujer, que aseguru00f3 en el medio que es desplazada desde hace algu00fan tiempo y no ha recibido ayuda por parte del Gobierno, solicita que la dejen trabajar para que otra persona le pueda arrendar una vivienda.


Desde hace mu00e1s de un mes, elu00a0Gobierno prohibiu00f3 ese tipo de acciones durante la emergencia del coronavirus, por lo que lau00a0Personeru00eda de Bogotu00e1 habilitu00f3 la lu00ednea 143 para denunciar desalojos.

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var gFirtsArticle = {"id":"PP896012","titles":{"main":"Mu00e1s coronavirus en Bogotu00e1: diagnostican 12 nuevos casos en estas estaciones de Policu00eda","facebook":"Bogotanos, ojo con las estaciones de Policu00eda en estas zonas.","seo":"Nuevos casos de coronavirus en Policu00eda de Bogotu00e1"},"phrases":{"main":"Autoridades en salud trabajan en el seguimiento de la cadena epidemiolu00f3gica de los contagiados. Las alertas siguen prendidas en la capital."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/nuevos-casos-coronavirus-policia-bogota-PP896012"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"carlos.diaz","name":"Carlos Diaz"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Mayo 10, 2020 11:51 am","updated":1589112522,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Covid en la Policu00eda","credit":"AFP. Imagen ilustrativa.","description":"","alt":"Covid en la Policu00eda","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["coronavirus","Policu00eda"],"sources":[{"title":"Doce casos de Covid-19 en dos estaciones de Policu00eda","url":"","source":"Personeru00eda de Bogotu00e1","fuente":"Personeru00eda de Bogotu00e1"}],"related":[""],"body2":"nn

Las estaciones de Policu00eda en las que se detectaron los casos estu00e1n ubicadas en las localidades de Kennedy y Fontibu00f3n. La informaciu00f3n la dio a conocer la Personeru00eda de Bogotu00e1, que asegura que en una prueba ru00e1pida inicial 7 personas detenidas dieron positivo para COVID-19, en esta u00faltima localidad.


En Kennedy, 4 agentes mu00e1s estu00e1n aislados, pendientes de los resultados y la evoluciu00f3n; mientras que se confirmu00f3 que un uniformado estu00e1 en la UCI del Hospital de la Policu00eda.


El llamado de la Personeru00eda es a que las autoridades tomen medida por el hacinamiento en las estaciones de Policu00eda de la capital.


u201cHacinamiento promedio en estaciones es del 145%. En Kennedy es del 140% y Fontibu00f3n del 110%. San Cristu00f3bal tiene una sobre ocupaciu00f3n del 493% y Los Mu00e1rtires del 420%u201d, informu00f3 la Personeru00eda en un comunicado.


Sumado a esto, la entidad hace un llamado porque, afirma, los agentes de Policu00eda no estu00e1n usando los tapabocas en las estaciones ni adoptando medidas de prevenciu00f3n. u201cDeben dar ejemplo o ser investigadosu201d, seu00f1ala la Personeru00eda.



n n Policu00eda Nacionaln n



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Alerta en Policu00eda de Bogotu00e1: diagnostican primer caso de COVID-19 en un uniformado



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u201cPese a la entrega de algunos elementos de bioseguridad en varias estaciones por parte del Distrito, condiciones de salubridad siguen siendo precariasu201d, alerta ese u00f3rgano de control.


Incluso, la Personeru00eda va mu00e1s allu00e1 y exige al Gobierno Nacional medidas de fondo y ru00e1pidas como habilitar centros temporales y autorizar al Distrito a construir una nueva cu00e1rcel.


Finalmente, seu00f1ala que el personal de saluda que estu00e1 visitando las estaciones de Policu00eda tampoco tiene los elementos necesarios para protegerse.


Las alarmas en la Policu00eda siguen encendidas luego de que se diagnosticara este su00e1bado a un intendente con COVID-19. El nu00famero de contagios avanza, segu00fan lo seu00f1alado por la entidad de control.

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