new cases and deaths today, October 29


That number of new cases had not been reported since August 20, which could be a reflection of the holiday bridge at the beginning of the month and the week of recess for students.

With those figures from the last week of October, Colombia reached 1,053,122 COVID-19 cases in total and it remains the eighth country in the world with the most infections.

Above are the United States (8,927,472), India (8,040,203), Brazil (5,468,270) and Russia (1,570,446), France (1,327,852), Spain (1,160,083) and Argentina (1,130. 533).

In addition, it reached 30,926 deaths, and is in the 11th place of the nations that have lost the most lives due to the pandemic. Colombia has also had 950,348 recovered, which means it has 69,423 active cases.

According to the Ministry of Health, 53,420 samples were processed in the last hours, 27,331 were PCR and 26,089 were antigen. Further, there are 1,042 sources of contagion Throughout the national territory.

Coronavirus cases in Colombia today, October 29:

Bogotá was once again the city with the most infections and this Thursday it reported 2,954, while Antioquia, for the third consecutive day, exceeded two thousand cases and today it has 2,663. Even in Medellín, citizens earned a wake-up call from Mayor Daniel Quintero for having a party in the middle of a public thoroughfare, despite the fact that they are on a hospital red alert.

Also on the list are Valle (396), Boyacá (483), Santander (480), Huila (419), Cundinamarca (393), Caldas (326), Cesar (324), Quindío (310), Tolima (309), Meta (230), Risaralda (203), Norte de Santander (190), Cauca (188), Cartagena (153) and Barranquilla (150).

Further down, with less than a hundred cases, are La Guajira (92), Córdoba (78), Atlántico (76), Caquetá (71), Nariño (64), Casanare (62), Arauca (49), Santa Marta ( 46), Bolívar (38), Sucre (30), Guaviare and Magdalena (25), Putumayo (24), Chocó (14), Amazonas (11), Guainía (9), Vaupés and Vichada (2) and San Andrés ( 1).

Deaths from coronavirus in Colombia today, October 29:

According to official data, the 173 reported are distributed as follows: September 2 deaths and October, 171. That means that Of the total confirmed this Tuesday, 145 correspond to previous days.

On the other hand, Today’s distribution of deaths left Antioquia and Bogotá with 40 new victims (23). Then Valle (14), Huila and Quindío (10), Santander (8), Risaralda (7), Norte de Santander (6); Boyacá, Cesar, Cundinamarca, La Guajira and Meta (5); Arauca, Cauca and Tolima (4), Caldas and Caquetá (3); Cartagena, Casanare and Nariño (2); Atlántico, Barranquilla, Córdoba, Magdalena and Putumayo (1).

Further, By age, the deaths occurred as follows:
– 0 to 9 years: no person.
– 10 to 19 years: 2 people.
– 20 to 29 years: one person.
– 30 to 39 years: 6 people.
– 40 to 49 years: 7 people.
– 50 to 59 years: 13 people.
– 60 to 69 years: 39 people.
– 70 to 79 years: 44 people.
– 80 to 89 years: 50 people.
– More than 90 years: 11 people.

Finally, according to these data, the youngest person to die today was a 16-year-old man in Ituango (Antioquia) with a medical history under study and the oldest was a 97-year-old man in Bucaramanga (Santander) who suffered from a disease renal.

This is the report of the day:
