new cases and deaths today, October 26


These figures confirmed today by the Ministry of Health show that the curve continues to rise, since no more than 9,000 cases have been registered since the end of August.

In that sense, Colombia reached 1,025,052 confirmed cases of COVID-19. In addition, the country reached 30,348 deceased and 924,044 recovered.

That means that on day 234 of the pandemic there are 68,310 active cases. For the results of this Thursday, the National Institute of Health analyzed 40,851 tests, 30,050 were PCR samples and 10,801 of antigen.

Coronavirus cases in Colombia today, October 26:

For the second day in a row, Antioquia (1,989) went to Bogotá (1,197) and leads the infections today. Valle ranked third with nearly half of those cases and had 753.

Huila (506), Cundinamarca (473), Santander (413), Meta (402), Tolima (382), Caldas (377), Risaralda (325), Boyacá (306), Cesar (299), North of Santander (233), Caquetá (164), Cartagena (162), Cauca (148), Nariño (112), Casanare (111) and Quindío (108).

And by below the hundred reported cases are Barranquilla (93), La Guajira (91), Córdoba (87), Santa Marta (84), Sucre (65), Atlántico (60), Bolívar (57), Arauca (44), Magdalena (35), Guaviare ( 32), Vichada (19), San Andrés (16), Guainía (8), Chocó (7), Putumayo (5) and Vaupés (4).

Deaths from coronavirus in Colombia today, October 26:

The death toll from the disease rose to 194; 167 of those victims belong to days before this Monday, but they all died in October.

Antioquia also reported the highest number of deaths with 35, followed by the capital (24), Valle (23), Tolima (15), Cesar (13), Huila (11), Santander, Meta, Caldas and Cundinamarca (8), Risaralda (7), Norte de Santander (6), Boyacá (5), Quindío (4); Magdalena, Cauca, Bolívar, Casanare, Córdoba, Arauca and La Guajira (2); Atlántico, Barranquilla. Caquetá, Cartagena, Sucre and Putumayo (1).

Meanwhile, by age, the victims were distributed as follows:
– 0 to 19 years: no person.
– 20 to 29 years: 2 people.
– 30 to 39 years: 6 people.
– 40 to 49 years: 14 people.
– 50 to 59 years: 24 people.
– 60 to 69 years: 47 people.
– 70 to 79 years: 57 people.
– 80 to 89 years: 31 people.
– More than 90 years: 13 people.

According to this, the youngest person to die was a 23-year-old man in Zipaquirá (Cundinamarca) who suffered from cancer and the oldest was a 99-year-old woman in Medellín (Antioquia) who had a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

This is the updated bulletin of coronavirus cases in Colombia today and its distribution in each department:
