new cases and deaths today, October 23


With those figures for the third week of October, Colombia reached 998,942 COVID-19 cases in total and remains the eighth country in the world with the most infections. Above are the United States, India, Brazil, Russia, France, Argentina and Spain.

In addition, it reached 29,802 deaths, and is ranked 11th among the nations that have lost the most lives due to the pandemic. Colombia has also had 901,652 recovered, which means it has 65,195 active cases.

Coronavirus cases in Colombia today, October 23:

Bogotá rebounded as the region with the most infections and this Tuesday it reported 2,229, then there is Antioquia with 1,546. Valle (551), Santander (411), Caldas (377), Boyacá (371), Cundinamarca (339) and Huila (335) also appear on the list.

Further down are Norte de Santander (277), Risaralda (220), Nariño (186), Quindío (183), Arauca (174), Cesar (167), Meta (166), Tolima (155), Barranquilla (143), Casanare (127), Caquetá (104) and Cauca (100).

Finally, the regions that close the list with less than a hundred patients today are Cartagena (96), Atlántico (80), Córdoba (68), La Guajira (51), Magdalena (38), Bolívar and Santa Marta (35). Sucre (29), Putumayo (27), Guaviare (12), Chocó (11), Vaupés (10), San Andrés (8), Guainía (6), Vichada (3) and Amazonas (2).

Deaths from coronavirus in Colombia today, October 23:

According to official data, the 166 reported are distributed as follows: September, 15 deaths and October, 151. That means that of the total confirmed this Tuesday, 150 correspond to previous days.

On the other hand, The distribution of deaths today left Bogotá with 28 new victims and 23 in Antioquia. It follows Valle del Cauca (19), Santander (13), Norte de Santander (9), Quindío (8), Huila (7), Cundinamarca and Risaralda (6), Bolívar and Cesar (5); Boyacá, Caldas, Cauca and Nariño (4), Meta and Tolima (3); Caquetá, Magdalena and Sucre (2); Arauca, Barranquilla, Cartagena, Casanare and La Guajira (1).

Further, By age, the deaths occurred as follows:
– 0 to 9 years: one person.
– 10 to 19 years: no person.
– 20 to 29 years: 2 people.
– 30 to 39 years: 5 people.
– 40 to 49 years: 9 people.
– 50 to 59 years: 20 people.
– 60 to 69 years: 38 people.
– 70 to 79 years: 33 people.
– 80 to 89 years: 42 people.
– Over 90 years: 16 people.

Finally, according to these data, the youngest person to die today was a 4 month old baby in San Marcos (Sucre) who suffered from cardiovascular disease and the oldest was a 102-year-old man in Bello (Antioqua) who had cancer.

This is the report of the day and how all the figures are distributed in the country:
